The body of a dead man from Covid, lost in the Floreasca Hospital. Dr. Bogdan Oprița explains the situation.


Unusual situation at Floreasca Hospital: the family of a patient who died from COVID assures that the medical unit cannot find his body.

According to Digi24 sources, it is about a patient who died on December 31, which the family was to take care of on Monday, January 4. However, when they arrived at the hospital, relatives were informed that the deceased could not be found.

There is a suspicion that the deceased person was accidentally handed over to another family, but this fact can be established after verifications.

The hospital management launched an investigation, as well as the police, after notifying the family of the deceased.

Dr. Bogdan Oprița, the spokesperson for Hospital Floreasca, explained the situation live, on Digi24: “I mention from the beginning that an administrative investigation is carried out in the unit, to see how exactly things happened … When a patient dies, he receives an identification bracelet, which is applied to the wrist and then two bags of corpses are put on . The personnel of the Pathological Anatomy Service have the obligation – in the delivery of the deceased patient to the family – to verify the data of the identity card and those of the bracelet, the family having to recognize the deceased.

In this situation, on December 31, two people died and one of the families identified the body and delivered it to the funeral home. Now, we check if this corpse was not correctly recognized by the family or if someone made a mistake when delivering the corpse, because most likely the two corpses were confused.

In addition to our verification, the police also carry out a verification, because the body must be exhumed and handed over to the family in law.

The police have started an investigation

Following the information published in the media, regarding a situation registered in a hospital unit in sector 1, we make the following clarifications:

When calling 112, a person reported that he had been notified of the death of a relative in the hospital, but when they arrived to pick up the body, the hospital representatives could not release him.

Police from Section 1 came to the scene, who came into contact with the family, but also with representatives of the health unit, who at that time specified that the body would be released, after completing some medical procedures.

The controls will be carried out by Police Section 1 in order to establish the factual situation “.

Publisher: DC
