The big surprise of the election campaign: Ludovic Orban radically changed his anti-PSD strategy and embraced the tactics used by Dragnea in 2016 / VIDEO – News from sources


The leader of the PNL, Ludovic Orban, produced, this Thursday, at the launch ceremony of the liberal government program, the great surprise of the electoral campaign. In his address to party leaders, Prime Minister Orban radically changed his political strategy. The leader of the PNL announced that he will stop referring to the PSD, a decision few in the party expected. Unlike previous speeches in which Orban claimed that NLP’s opponent is the “red plague” and liberals have a duty to rid Romania of the Social Democrats, this time Orban identified “our enemies” as “corruption” and ” poverty”. “I want the elections to focus on the future, not the past,” Orban said. “I want this election to be about development, not about accusations between political actors,” he said. An indigo strategy was used by former PSD leader Liviu Dragnea in the 2016 campaigns, when he said that he made the decision not to attack other parties and limited himself to presenting the PSD government program.

Excerpt from Ludovic Orban’s speech:

On December 6, we all faced a decisive choice: go ahead and implement Romania’s development program, or not. That is the dilemma. On December 6, we left behind what divides us, our clumsiness and our failures, we left behind some of them unproductive practices and joined forces for Romania. No one should be absent from this national effort. December 6 is a national appeal for a national cause. It is not about political partisanship, it is about the future of Romania, it is about what will happen to all of us.

Let me do something in this speech that few expect of me. I will not refer to PSD in this speech. I do not want these elections to be like all the others in the past, I want these elections to be about Romania, not about the struggle between the parties. I want these elections to be about development, not about accusations between political actors. I want the elections to be about the future, not about the past. People remember, people can judge for themselves, people know what to do“Said Ludovic Orban.
