The Barna case that could not vote in the 2020 parliamentary elections. Tetelu: “This is the type of situation that the RSU should resolve” – ​​Essential


On tonight’s HotNews LIVE program, dedicated to the 2020 parliamentary elections, the issue of the current electoral system was also discussed, which did not allow the president of the USR to vote in this election. Dan Barna is isolated in Bucharest because he has COVID-19 and his address is in Sibiu.

Deputy Dan Barna was unable to vote in these parliamentary elections, although he is first on the list of candidates for the Sibiu Chamber of Deputies. The president of the USR is isolated in Bucharest.

Dragoș Mușat (Tetelu) said during the HotNews LIVE program that these kinds of problems should be solved by a progressive party like USR.

“In Romania, the way you can vote is completely poor. It is a reality that there are a number of people who live in a city other than the city of residence for various reasons. For example, in Bucharest there is a large community of people who are not from Bucharest and, lo and behold, they could not vote in these elections.

I’m sure a large portion of them are active young people working in business or liberal fields and that they would probably have cast their vote for RSU. The fact that USR has not been able to change this situation until now, which was an 8% party as Mr. Barna said, is understandable. But you have to fix it.

Here is the key by which RSU can show that it is worth ruling or not: if they will encounter problems with such solutions. The system is still working well, they expect the world to come vote for them, but they will come to vote for them while they solve their problems. This kind of problem: that you have to go back to Vaslui if you are from Vaslui because you cannot vote on special lists does not make sense in parliament.

We have not yet seen RSU discuss this issue. And here, Mr. Barna is staying home and his fundamental right to vote is being violated. It’s stupid. The system is communist and the logic is communist, and I don’t see progressives come forward and say “let’s get out of this communist system.”

Because the police need to know where you live and depending on that you can vote. It may be fine in Switzerland but not in Romania. If you can vote by mail: if you are from Vasului but don’t have to go there … there must be a solution. The Americans voted in favor of separation by mail, we did not see this serious discussion with us.

And now the Universe is making fun of the RSU and puts the president of the RSU in the situation of not being able to vote. It’s stupid. I sincerely regret for him because he did not find a solution to be able to manifest his constitutional right to vote. Why? Because he is here and the mobile urn should have come from Sibiu because Mr. Barna has a newsletter from Sibiu ”.
