The balance of the first day of vaccination in Romania. How many people got the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine


The first day of vaccination ended in Romania at 6:00 p.m., after starting at 9:00 a.m. with the first vaccinated, Mihaela Anghel, a 26-year-old nurse.

A number of 960 medical staff, out of the 10 hospitals with an infectious profile in Romania, received the first dose of vaccine. The booster, the next dose, will be given within a maximum period of 21 days.

“Vaccinated people have no side effects”, announces the Government through the National Committee for the Coordination of Vaccination Activities.

Vaccination of medical personnel continues on Monday (December 28) and Tuesday (December 29) also in the ten front-line medical units that fight COVID-19.

They were administered the vaccine in the first delivery delivered on December 25.

The vaccination campaign against COVID-19 began in Romania on Sunday, December 27. The first vaccinated are first-line doctors and nurses, and a 26-year-old nurse from the Matei Balş Institute, who cared for the first patient infected with SARS-VOC-2, was also the first Romanian to be vaccinated.

The authorities intend to complete the first phase in early February, that is, to vaccinate more than half a million medical personnel. And in half a year the goal is to reach an immunization level of more than 60 percent of the population.

Also read: The next section of the vaccine, for Romania, is delayed. Valeriu Gheorghiţă: A Pfizer Software and Organization Problem
Also read: Vaccine stored. Two thousand vaccines are stored. The hilarious response of the authorities
Also read: Authorities and chaos. Vaccination has started in Romania, but with many unknowns

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