The army is directly involved in the county of Sibiu. After DSP and the County Hospital, it will have military leadership


The Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital will be led by lt. column. Constantin Vlase, an infectious diseases doctor who was medical director of the Military Emergency Hospital in Galati, official sources said on Friday, according to Agerpres.

Constantin Vlase will be the general director of the Sibiu hospital, after Dr. Liliana Coldea resigned as manager.

The Sibiu Public Health Directorate is also headed by a military doctor, Colonel Daniel Chelcea, who was the medical director of the Sibiu Military Emergency Hospital.

The county of Sibiu registers a rate of 8.9 new infections per thousand inhabitants, decreasing with respect to the previous days, according to the report sent this Friday by the Strategic Communication Group.

President Klaus Iohannis criticized the situation in Sibiu, where “things moved too slowly”.

The Sibiu County Emergency Clinical Hospital is the main public hospital treating Sibiu adult patients with COVID-19.

Read also The first coronavirus patient in Romania to be treated abroad. He was flown to Germany at the request of his family.

Publisher: RK
