Text worth reading. Doctor, about the Covid-19 vaccine: Unfortunately, Pfizer and Moderna were the safest in the tests … That’s why I say “unfortunately”!


Doctor Cristian Suciu said that he was not vaccinated against Covid-19. Why he did it, find out in the following lines.

Cristian Suciu explained that the vaccine is to save us in public. This is the only way we can get rid of the coronavirus pandemic. If very few people are vaccinated, it is not enough to end this stage that we have been going through for more than a year.

“In my opinion, there is a lot of confusion in public opinion: the confusion between INDIVIDUAL HEALTH and PUBLIC HEALTH.” P “in DSP comes from this: publish. Public health. People find it suspicious: what are they doing to make our vaccine? Will they be paid? Aoleu, they can even be paid.

Yes, they have promised (which they promise more often than they do) some money if the doctors will enroll their patients on the vaccine platform. But why? Where does this fever come from and why is this vaccine story so talked about? The answer is simple: it’s not about individual health, yours and mine. It’s about public health, everyone. I was vaccinated against Covid with the Pfizer BionTech vaccine, although it was clear to everyone that I did not do much COVID. My wife had slept in the same bed. I did not drink. I am a family doctor, I did not consult in the window and I had patients with COVID, I did not take it. I have children, I have employees, I got in touch and they got in touch. I did not drink. He probably has a good gene, he probably eats the right thing, he’s probably lucky … I don’t know.

According to many vaccinators, I should NOT get vaccinated. My colleague I work with at the clinic took COVID twice. The second time worse than the first. It’s okay because he’s young. I got vaccinated for her. That means public health. Let’s ALL make an effort, regardless of age, associated diseases, natural resistances, living conditions, etc.

These two products, Pfizer and Moderna, were found.

Unfortunately for the global public health effort, they were the safest in tests and studies and came out first. Why do I say “unfortunately”? It is a new technology and that is always scary. Only through “new” and you can enter here any lazy conspiracy about how Bill Gates wants to kill you: you, Gicu the Plumber from Fetesti. Nobody believes that he would want, especially public health specialists, to deal with new technologies when it comes to vaccination. It was simply a collective effort in which a lot of money was invested and this was the best option in the shortest time. That’s it, it’s new technology and the tests have been SAFE. That is why it was approved. The vaccine is, YES, still in studies but to certify its efficacy profile, not the safety profile. If the security guard left any doubt, no one would have allowed themselves to approve it. Covid is not a plague. We are not disciplined to work as a team.

We don’t understand why we should all get vaccinated at the same time. I have met smart people with high IQs who have doubts because they are simply repeaters for the audience and great performers for the individual. We are a nation with extremely low individual gold medals and team test scores. Just look at the blocks on the outside and what the houses look like on the inside! Public spaces in which I mourning, budget / private division, politics, etc. Look at Israel, a people that 70 years ago was actually persecuted in the streets, shot, imprisoned, slowly murdered by all kinds of methods. That’s what the PUBLIC lesson learned since then. TOGETHER were all Jews massacred, regardless of individual situation.

And they understood the lesson. Now they do everything better together. They have made a country, they defend it from the mother of fire, they work together, they do the army together for many years and, you see, everyone gets vaccinated without arguing. together. Israel has the highest vaccination rate. While all the countries in the world have barely reached 1-2 people for every 100, they have exceeded 30. We must learn to work together. Let us understand that not everything has a fixed connection to us as individuals and that some things have a connection to us as people, the community in which we live.. The vaccine must be administered as soon as the doses arrive and the Government can acquire it, on this PUBLIC health is based. If we do it in a 3-4 month window at least 50% of the population, these people who make these calculations know how to do in the future, what measures to take, etc. A public health problem like COVID is kept under control only with public health measures such as a vaccine, ”wrote Dr. Cristian Suciu.
