Testimony of hell. The ordeal of a teacher imprisoned for an $ 80 fraud, forgotten by the Romanian authorities in the prisons of communist China


Marius Balo (39) from Cluj settled in China in 2010, where he worked as a foreign expert at the XinDongFang (New Oriental) Technology and Education Group in Beijing. Employed as a professor at the prestigious Renmin University in Beijing, the Romanian seemed professionally accomplished and everything turned out to the best of his career.

However, everything collapsed on March 28, 2014, when he was arrested by the Chinese authorities for committing the crime of contract fraud, with the damage of $ 80. That’s after, says Balo, who received $ 80 from a Chinese without knowing he was a criminal.

I was locked in a cage

After spending two years in custody, in terrible conditions, the Romanian was sentenced to eight years in prison with execution and to pay a fine equivalent to 13,600 euros. The fine was paid shortly after Marius Balo’s uncle, Mihai Felecan, sold an apartment in Cluj and paid the fine. He described the dehumanizing conditions of detention. “Twice a month they would take me out of one cage and into another, faithfully tied up,” said the Romanian.

The Cluj Court of Appeal in October 2019 recognized the sentence handed down by the Chinese court and ordered the transfer of Marius Balo to a Romanian penitentiary. The Chinese state agrees with the transfer of Marius Balo to Romania. Under these conditions, it is solely for the Romanian authorities to save their own citizen from the inhumane conditions in which he is detained. It seems that Balo has been forgotten. Desperate, the teacher sent a new call for someone to come to China and pick him up.

In mid-October (this year), Marius Balo was allowed one of the rare phone conversations with his only living relative, namely his Cluj County uncle, Ioan Felecan. On this occasion, Marius Balo sent an audio message to the Romanian authorities to transfer him to his home, at the mercy of the officers who should go after him in China.

“Officers, I am well aware that I have no right to ask you to make this sacrifice for me. Although it has been almost 7 years since I have been waiting and dreaming of finally getting home. This is ultimately my cross, my responsibility. . (…) But the question that upsets my soul is how can I ask you something like that? With what heart I ask 2 strangers, 2 people I have never met, to have mercy on me. When before most of the time I couldn’t feel sorry for the people close to me, when they needed my help and support. (…) But now the positions have been reversed and I am the one who needs mercy. These are God’s laws. I don’t know what to say, except that since Almost 7 years ago here, I have come to understand that there are 2 types of suffering in this world: suffering that hurts and suffering that changes, ”said Marius Balo.

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