Terrorist attack in Vienna. At least one person died, several


A large-scale police operation is underway in the center of Vienna. a police spokesman said Monday night, quoted by Reuters. ZIiarul Kronen newspaper reports about an attack on a synagogue, in which they were shot shooting.

TO UPDATE. Three injured people were taken to the hospital, according to a health spokesperson, Christoph Mierau, quoted by the agency WHAT.

TO UPDATE. The press reports on a second hostage-taking in a shop in the center of Vienna. Police cordoned off the area.

TO UPDATE. The Interior Minister officially calls the incident a “terrorist attack.”

TO UPDATE. Vienna police said the vehicles did not stop in District 1, where the attack took place. The police appealed to people not to post recordings on social media, but to upload them to a link that the police have access to.

TO UPDATE. The local press also talks about a hostage taking at the Hilton Hotel’s Akakiko restaurant.

TO UPDATE. Kurier’s post reports that there were 7 deaths, but the information has not been confirmed.

TO UPDATE. A witness told the ORF that he heard gunshots and saw a man flee while firing an automatic weapon. Then the police arrived and began firing at the attacker.

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Oskar German, The president of the Jewish Community of Vienna wrote on Twitter that it is unclear whether the synagogue was the target of the attacker, given that it was closed.

TO UPDATE. Several people were injured, police said, and asked people to stay away from public places and transportation.

A police officer was seriously injured and one person was shot dead, Sky News reports.

Information about the murdered person comes from the Falter newspaper, which cites the country’s Interior Ministry as a source.

One attacker was killed and police are searching for the second, the Austrian Interior Ministry said, according to the APA news agency.

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According to the publication, the attack took place on the street which is located the main synagogue in Vienna.

IWhen asked about the reason for the deployment, the spokesperson declined to comment.

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