Terrible prophecy of the astrologer who predicted the pandemic! Said when we get rid of COVID


In February 2019, astrologer Jessica Adams released information that, according to her calculations, a virus would “hit humanity hard” in 2020, even mentioning the date when the first victim would be registered, in Wuhan, on 10 January 2020.

There will be no vaccine

Jessica Adams recently announced a series of predictions for the next 6 months and sadly, we cannot realistically hope to eradicate the pandemic. According to the astrologer, quoted by the British press, there are no signs of a slowdown in the health crisis, no matter how optimistic we would like to be and no matter how much progress is made in medicine. There will be no viable vaccine against the coronavirus and we will have to “learn to live with it.”

Joe Biden to dethrone Trump

The astrologer also clarified in relation to other issues on the public agenda. For example, the destiny of victory in the electoral struggle in the United States, persecuted by the entire planet, will not fall on a Republican, but on a feminist Democratic candidate, a description that fits the glove of President Donald Trump’s current rival, Joe. Biden. On top of that, the future winner will be very concerned about the issue of equity, explains Jessica Adams.

Regarding the Brexit crisis, the astrologer estimates that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will postpone the definitive separation of Great Britain from Europe, because Italy will go in the same direction. She says that Italy, disappointed by weak aid from the European Union in the severe spring pandemic crisis that has hit the country, will also withdraw from the EU next year.

Finally, the symbol of the environmental movement around the world, Greta Thunberg will stop protesting and lobbying at the highest level until 2026, when the current climate crisis will come to an end.

Golden times for Meghan and Harry

The English adored couple, consisting of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, will enjoy a flourishing period for the next 6 months. Meghan Markle will make a fortune from her humanitarian actions or earn some more money with her husband, while Prince Harry will start a new business with the former actress. For example, there is the possibility of launching a business in the food industry, alongside a presentable businessman.

The astrologer also anticipates that the relationship between the Dukes of Sussex and their brothers-in-law, William and Kate, Dukes of Cambridge, will improve considerably.

Sursa: daily mail
