Teachers with chronic illnesses are afraid to return to the department. The shortage of teachers increases even more, after some have asked for their retirement


Teachers with chronic illnesses are afraid to go back to the department. Some of them could teach online, but this would deepen the teacher shortage, especially since many of those who have reached retirement age have applied to retire, Mediafax reports.

Daniela Andrica has asthma and is afraid to go to school so as not to catch the new coronavirus. She has been teaching German for 20 years. During this time, more than 5,000 children passed through her hand. She says it has never been so difficult for her this year to choose between her students and their health. If you become infected with COVID-19, your health can deteriorate.

“I suffer from asthma, I have diseases of these at risk, my colleagues are many of them who have various diseases. We think that many things have not been configured, that is, the school management has done everything possible, but we are really thinking with concern about how we will protect our teachers, ”said Daniela Andrica, a German teacher.

Like her, there are dozens of teachers in each school and the principals are the ones who have to find a solution. Some teachers will teach online and others have taken a medical license.

“For those who are present in the classroom, we have a laptop installed, a video projector, the lesson will be seen by the whole class, on the blackboard. It will be the projection of the lesson on the board. The problem arises regarding the person who will supervise the students at that time, “said Cerasela Bociu, principal of Grigore Moisil High School in Timişoara.

The situation further deepens the shortage of teachers. Especially because, also out of fear of the coronavirus, teachers of retirement age have asked to retire. There are 40 such cases in Timiş County alone, which is double the number last year.

“At the Timiş county level, I think there is a trend at the national level, that we have a lot of retirement requests during the year, in certain disciplines. The subjects most affected are those of primary school and math teachers, ”said Marin Popescu, general school inspector at ISJ Timiş.

Web Editor: Liviu Cojan
