Tariceanu unleashes: ‘The apogee of the incompetence of this government happened yesterday’ – News from sources


The president of ALDE, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, affirms that the Executive of Orban is “the gravedigger of the Romanian economy”, because he camouflaged “another 30 days of state of emergency in a state of alert”, for three reasons “to politically purge the administration, so you can put your people in office and you can fill your pockets with contracts without auctions. ”

The ALDE leader noted that “the peak of this government’s incompetence occurred around midnight yesterday,” when “just 15 minutes before midnight, just 15 minutes before the end of the state of emergency, the rulers decided what we can and No, we can do it after the state of emergency is over. “

Also read: OFFICIAL – New traffic restrictions in the alert state. A new statement appears at your own risk / MODEL


The heyday of this government’s incompetence occurred around midnight yesterday! Only 15 minutes before midnight, only 15 minutes before the end of the state of emergency, the rulers decided what we could and could not do after the state of emergency passed!

What did you have in mind when you came so late with these decisions? Didn’t they know that the state of emergency would end? The lord did not tell them. Iohannis hasn’t been in a state of emergency for two weeks? How did you think we could make plans from one day to the next, not to mention from one hour to the next?

The enormous chaos they created influences us all, but especially those who have a smaller or larger business, who today do not know whether or not to open their store, whether or not to call their employees to work. Governments are sacrificing important sectors of the economy one after another, sectors that create hundreds of thousands of jobs. It sacrifices the hotel industry because Orban believes that it does not contribute enough to gross domestic product. Sacrifice the entertainment industry because Mr. Orban has no money to give for culture. It is sacrificing the sports industry because it does not seem important to this government. It sacrifices agriculture by giving compensation instead of water in irrigation canals. Sacrifice the transport so that it can be transported well by transporters from other countries. And the examples can continue.

The very rapid effect of these sacrifices will be that the sectors of the economy that have begun to function will also have to reduce their engines or even pull to the right. If half of the Romanians will have no income, who will buy the cars made in Mioveni or Craiova? Or the shirts made in Brăila and the pants of Odorhei? Or nasal cheese and Murfatlar wine?

Romanians are aware of the danger of this invisible enemy. Romanians behaved responsibly during this crisis. Romanians know that the danger has not passed. The problem is not the citizens, but the rulers who are totally overwhelmed by the situation, who make bad standing decisions, late and contradictory decisions. All this stuttering costs us tens of thousands of jobs, it costs us to be late and we will hardly recover.

And they want another 30 days of state of emergency camouflaged on alert! So you can politically purge the administration, so you can put your people in office, and so you can fill your pockets with contracts without tenders. Three serious reasons why if this state of alert reaches Parliament, I will vote against it because it does not help us, but only them! ”, It is shown on the Facebook page of Călin Popecu Tăriceanu.
