SURPRISE of the government report: The 9 counties where the population complies with health regulations and has less than 1,000 cases of infections – News from sources


Bucharest with 10,762, Suceava with 5,270, Argeş – 4,989 and Brasov – 4,519 are the areas with the most cases of coronavirus, since the outbreak of the epidemic.

More than 3,000 illnesses were recorded in Prahova (4,121), Galaţi (3,253) and Dâmboviţa (3,020) counties.

There are more than 2,000 cases in Bacău, Bihor, Buzău, Iaşi, Ilfov, Neamţ, Timiş and Vrancea counties. However, there are less than 1,000 cases in Caras-Severin – 659, Calarasi – 525, Covasna – 748, Giurgiu – 686, Harghita – 697, Ialomita – 945, Satu Mare – 280, Salaj – 367 and Tulcea – 529.

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The distribution of cases by counties is as follows:

* Alba – 1,088

* Arad – 1,801

* Argeş – 4,989

* Bacău – 2,691

* Bihor – 2290

* Bistriţa-Năsăud – 1,134

* Botosani – 1318

* Brasov – 4,519

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* Brăila – 1,636

* Buzau – 2,219

* Caraş-Severin – 659

* Calarasi – 525

* Cluj – 1999

* Constanta – 1,647

* Covasna – 748

* Dâmboviţa – 3,020

* Dolj – 1,640

* Galaţi – 3253

* Giurgiu – 686

* Gorj – 1,535

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* Harghita – 697

* Hunedoara – 1,642

* Ialomiţa – 945

* Iasi – 2,852

* Ilfov – 2,132

* Maramureş – 1114

* Mehedinti – 1,117

* Mureş – 1,386

* Neamţ – 2,093

* Olt – 1,287

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* Prahova – 4,121

* A mare – 280

* Sălaj – 367

* Sibiu – 1,416

* Suceava – 5,270

* Teleorman – 578

* Timiş – 2,518

* Tulcea – 529

* Vaslui – 1,753

* Valcea – 1,135

* Vrancea – 2,359

* Bucharest – 10,762

Another 83 cases are not assigned to any county.

As of Friday, 85,833 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus have been confirmed in Romania.

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