Stupid gesture at the anti-muzzle protest. The only madwoman with a mask in the nervous crowd / video


I went to the anti-muzzle protest with the muzzle in my mouth.

I went to the University Square to understand the pain of people who complain that their children have to wear masks at school. Initially, I stayed by the cordon of gendarmes. But you couldn’t feel much of the atmosphere if you weren’t in the middle of the crowd. I made a huge mistake. I was the only crazy one, I think that’s the word, wearing a mask in the crowd. Some looked at me with disgust, others with pity. I didn’t tell anyone that I was an editor for DC News. I just wanted to see what the environment was like as a simple citizen.

I broadcast live on Facebook DC News some images from the University Square trying to ignore the world that did not understand what I was looking for there. Until … I didn’t escape. She was filming near the stage where attorney Dan Chitic was speaking. At one point, she started shouting: “The mask is just a masquerade. It is only an instrument of submission, it is the instrument of total submission of the citizen in Romania and all over the world. Down with the muzzle! “He was followed by the entire crowd with the message” Down with the muzzle! “

What else can I do? I was standing by the stage, next to a loudspeaker shouting “Down with the muzzle!” Eyes more and more fixed on me until a woman in her 50s cheers up, approaches me and takes off my mask, of course shouting the same slogan. She was so nervous that I thought it was raining from her mouth. I only managed to say “Calm down please!”, To “Why did you come?” and she left. Of course, it is a stupid gesture to enter a nervous crowd, who shouts “Down with beauty!”, With a mask … And to be the only madman who uses it … -a tree and you hope to escape alive. I still escaped.

Around minute 15 is the scene I told you about:
