STUDY – Working from home has increased productivity in Romania: what is the reason given by employees – Font News


Employee productivity has increased since the implementation of work from home, showing that around 30% of companies responded to a study by PwC Romania, while 44% say it has remained at the same level.

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“Employee productivity has increased since the implementation of work from home, it shows that around 30% of companies responded to the HR Barometer Report, conducted by PwC Romania in October, while 44% say they has remained constant, “the company said. in.

Among those surveyed who mentioned increased productivity, 76% say that the main factor contributing to this evolution is the increase in time spent at work due to teleworking.

“The pandemic has shown us that large-scale remote work can be achieved and concerns about productivity have subsided as companies have addressed the issues of implementing the necessary technologies. The past few months have been a test of endurance and an experiment for companies and employees that we see that they have overcome so far. Therefore, remote work is expected to be applied by more and more organizations in the long term. This fact is observed in the results of the survey considering that more than half of the respondents have already introduced remote work indefinitely, ”said Ionuţ Simion, Country Managing Partner of PwC Romania.

Only 7% of those surveyed mentioned a decrease in productivity. Of these, the majority consider that the main causes are the poor adaptation of the way of working to the “new normal”, the negative mood and the lack of remote work tools.

At the same time, three-quarters of the companies that responded believe that employee engagement has remained constant, but more and more organizations are concerned about the evolution of their moods as the health situation evolves negatively and the Related isolation continues for a longer period.

“Well-being is essential to productivity, and since many people struggle with fear and anxiety during this time, it is important that organizations increasingly invest in resources and benefits that will benefit them. which helps create a balance of their health, “says Oana Munteanu, senior manager of people and organizations, PwC Romania.

Working from home, the new normal

At the market level, 20% of companies have implemented remote working for all employees and 80% have implemented remote working only for certain categories of employees. There is no company in the sample of participants that has not implemented remote work.

Almost half (49%) of employers implemented mandatory remote work, in shifts of one or two weeks, 29% based on individual option, and 22% other options (permanent or remote work in 2- 3 days / week).

Two-thirds of the companies surveyed consider that they have accelerated digitization by achieving in advance the objectives set for the whole year or some unforeseen projects. A similar percentage (68%) shows that the need for digitization was felt the most in the Human Resources department, followed by the financial department, 63% of respondents show, IT (56%), operations (54%) and sales ( 46%). ).

Optimizing internal processes is the first priority for 80% of participating companies.

Regarding employee training, 38% of companies say that employees have a high level of digital competence, 36% a medium level and 26% low.

The PwC Romania HR Barometer study was carried out between October 17 and 12, 2020 based on information provided by 41 companies, from the sectors: energy, retail / FMCG, pharmaceutical, IT&C, financial services, industry. 17% of the companies that responded have more than 3,000 employees, 25% between 1,001 – 3,000 employees, 17% between 501 – 1,000 employees, 34% between 101 – 500 employees and 7% less than 100 employees.

PwC is a network of companies present in 155 countries with more than 284,000 professionals who provide services in the field of auditing, tax consulting and business consulting.
