Students will also not return to school on January 11. When the Minister of Education estimates that classes will resume in schools


The schools were scheduled to reopen on January 11, but, according to Sorin Cîmpeanu, it is too early to think about such scenarios. He added that the students will return to the banks to the extent that the epidemiological situation allows.

Sorin Cîmpeanu, the new Education Minister, thinks that the January 11 deadline for the reopening of schools is just a happy scenario, considering the current epidemiological situation. “January 11 seems too short. January 11 is the deadline on a calendar that was built many months ago. The back to school will be done taking into account what other states facing the same problem will do,” he stated. for ProTV News.

Therefore, students will also return to school online on January 11. Instead, Sorin Cîmpeanu thinks that perhaps on February 8, the day the second school semester begins, students will be able to return to school.

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