Students can learn exclusively online by presenting a medical certificate to the school.


The Minister of Education stated in the Digi24 Evening Journal that some students can learn exclusively online if they can prove, through a medical certificate, that there are medical reasons that prevent them from attending school in class, be it a child’s illness or a disease. family member who is at risk.

Cosmin Prelipceanu: A question that often comes up from our viewers concerns the situation where a parent may ask the school to let the child learn from home alone. It is a situation that you have spoken about before and have told us that it must be proven with the doctor’s documents, but it is a situation worth explaining again.

Monica anisie: This is provided. The parent can make this decision, continue her education in the online system, learn from home, that is, on the one hand, if the child has a disease that could be aggravated by the fact that she will come to school and could to take That is why I had planned to present the father, after an evaluation of the family, a certificate to deliver to the school so that he could continue his son’s learning at home.

Cosmin Prelipceanu: There must be this certificate from a doctor.

Monica anisie: It is. The Ministry of Health considered it important to know this and that is why it was stipulated in the joint order.
