Strong dissension in the UK following the post-Brexit deal. Boris Johnson calls for unity


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for unity for parliament to approve the post-Brexit deal, as the London leader may need the support of the Labor opposition, amid criticism from eurosceptic conservative politicians.

After years in which Boris Johnson and his allies have harshly criticized the policies of the European Union, advocating Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, now Boris Johnson has announced that he wants a relationship of “friendship and partnership” with Brussels. “I believe we now have a basis for a long-term friendship and partnership with the EU, as equal sovereigns,” Boris Johnson said in a message to Conservative lawmakers, urging them to pass the post-Brexit deal.

Boris Johnson claims to have gained a relationship with the EU. “We have all the points in our manifesto,” the London leader said, according to Sky News.

The idea was reiterated by Michael Gove, the Cabinet Policy Minister, one of Boris Johnson’s close associates. “We can now begin a new and more optimistic chapter in our history,” wrote Michael Gove in an editorial in The Times, calling for a “special relationship” with the European Union.

Although he claims to have won, Boris Johnson fears that the draft post-Brexit deal will not be supported by Eurosceptic politicians in the Conservative Party. The European Analysis Group, a tough eurosceptic faction within the Conservative Party, has announced, according to The Guardian, that it will carefully examine the draft post-Brexit deal before approving it. “I really hope this treaty passes the test and I hope we can support it. But I was chosen on the basis of a program that promised Brexit compliance, so I have to read the document to see if I really got it. this or if we get caught in the orbit of EU regulations, “Conservative MP Theresa Villiers told the BBC.

Amid dissent, Boris Johnson may need the support of the opposition Labor Party to get the post-Brexit deal approved in the House of Commons. But Labor leader Keir Starmer also risks a riot after urging lawmakers to back the deal.

Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (opposition), has already suggested that he will not support the deal. “If the details turn out to be what we hear, we cannot support them,” said Sir Ed Davey.

The European Commission reached an agreement with the United Kingdom on future relations on Thursday, and the document will enter into force after the expiration of the post-Brexit transition on January 1, 2021. “This agreement was worth fighting for, already that we now have a fair and balanced deal with the UK, which will protect European interests, ensure fair competition, provide the much-needed predictability of our fishing communities. Finally, we can put Brexit behind us and look to the future. going forward “. said Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission.

The draft post-Brexit deal, a 1,246-page document, was released on Saturday.

UK fishermen’s associations have expressed dissatisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations between the Boris Johnson government and the European Union. “It is a state of frustration and anger at the significant concessions made by the London government to Brussels,” said Barrie Deas, director of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organizations of Great Britain. “The industry will be very disappointed that there is no clear separation from the EU. It will be a great frustration,” Barrie Deas said.

Political leaders in London will not be able to ignore the harsh criticism from Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who, in the context of Brexit, wants to hold a new referendum on Scottish independence from Great Britain.

The draft Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom on post-Brexit relations refers to trade, fiscal and budgetary relations, the rules of judicial and security cooperation, as well as legal guarantees on the rules of governance.

The main elements of the draft Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The agreement between Brussels and London has, according to a plan published on the website of the European Commission and to which the agency MEDIAFAX agreed on Thursday night, three central elements: a trade agreement, a security partnership and a framework on standards. of governance.

Free trade agreement: “a new economic and social partnership with the United Kingdom”
– the agreement covers both trade in goods and services and a number of areas of interest to the EU, such as investment, competition, subsidies, tax transparency, air and road transport, energy and sustainability, fisheries, data protection, coordination of security politics;
– The agreement establishes zero customs duties and zero quotas for all products that comply with the regulations of origin.

“Both parties are committed to guaranteeing solid and equitable standards maintaining high levels of protection in areas such as the environment, the fight against climate change, carbon taxes, social and labor rights, fiscal transparency and subsidies, applying the right effective internal, through a binding dispute resolution mechanism and the possibility for both parties to apply corrective measures ”, underlines the European Commission.

– The EU and the UK have agreed on a new common framework for the management of fishing stocks;
– the agreement provides for the maintenance of air, road, rail and sea connections, although British access to the common market will be less than that which the community space can provide;
– In the field of energy, the agreement provides for a new trade and interconnectivity model, with guarantees of fair and transparent competition.

“In the area of ​​social security, the agreement aims to guarantee a number of rights for British and EU citizens. This applies to EU citizens working, traveling or settling in the UK as well. such as British citizens who work, travel or settle in the EU after January 1, 2021 ”, states the European Commission.

“The agreement allows for continued UK participation in a number of EU programs in the period 2021-2027 (subject to the UK’s financial contribution to the EU budget), such as the Horizon Europe Program,” said the executive. of the EU.

“A new alliance for the safety of our citizens”

The agreement establishes a new framework for cooperation between authorities, including in the judicial sphere. The treaty provides for cooperation between police structures and judicial institutions, mainly to combat cross-border crime and terrorism.

“New operational capabilities are being created as the UK, as a non-EU state outside the Schengen area, will not have the same facilities as before. Security cooperation may be suspended if the UK violates its commitments. to continue adhering to the European Convention on Human Rights and the application of internal regulations ”, states the European Commission.

A horizontal agreement on governance

Clear ways are provided on how the Agreement will be implemented and verified. A Joint Association Council will be established to ensure that the Agreement is correctly applied and interpreted. There will be dispute resolution mechanisms to guarantee respect for the rights of companies, consumers and individuals. Both parties can retaliate for breach of the Agreement.

Foreign policy, foreign security and defense cooperation are not covered by this agreement, as the UK did not want to negotiate these issues.

Important changes from January 1, 2021

The UK will leave the EU Single Market, the Customs Union and all political systems of the European Union on 1 January 2021. The free movement of people, goods, services and capital between the EU and the UK will cease January 1, 2021. “The EU and the UK will have two different markets, two different regulatory and legal areas, creating barriers that do not exist now in trade in goods and services, as well as in cross-border mobility and bilateral trade, both in directions “, underlines the European Commission.

In the context of the very short time that has elapsed between the achievement of the Agreement and the conclusion of the post-Brexit transition, the European Commission proposes that the Treaty be applied provisionally until 28 February 2021. The proposal is made in context in which the draft agreement must be ratified by Parliament. European Parliament, British Parliament and Parliaments of the 27 Member States of the European Union.

The agreement signed when Britain withdrew from the European Union (the Brexit Agreement) will remain in force.

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