Strict rules for Christmas, New Years and the celebration of Saint John the Baptist. Priests will not enter parishioners’ homes


„The Institution of the Prefect – Municipality of Bucharest, informs that today (Monday – no.) An analysis session was held on anti-Covid-19 protection measures. The opportunity of the meeting was based on the context generated by the dynamics of the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Bucharest, related to the traditions of Christmas, New Years and the celebration of Saint John the Baptist ”, said the Capital Prefecture.

Representatives from the Archdiocese of Bucharest, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bucharest and the Diocese of Bucharest attended the analysis meeting.

“So that the citizens of Bucharest are not misinformed about the measures ordered during the pandemic by the Romanian state authorities, in the religious sphere, respecting the role of religious cults in the life of Romanian society, because we want all citizens to be aware that health and life are the most important, the prefect of Bucharest, Traian Berbeceanu, reaffirmed that it is necessary to pay more attention to compliance with current and widely popularized regulations, just to receive holidays in a safe climate, both for all of us as well as for loved ones ”, is also shown in the statement.

During the meeting, considering the size of the diocese, the Archdiocese of Bucharest presented a series of additional hygienic-sanitary measures in relation to pastoral visits.

“Therefore, the clergy are urged to intensify individual pastoral care by responding to the requests of the parishioners by officiating at home celebrations, reading health prayers, visiting the sick. It was mentioned that no clergy can be compelled to make pastoral visits during this period. If a cleric considers that organizing pastoral visits would be a danger to him or to the faithful, he may opt for other pastoral methods. Outside of the place of worship, believers can meet with priests of the church who can offer them a pastoral gift Clergymen who wish to organize pastoral visits on the occasion of the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord or the Baptism of the Savior Jesus Christ, should take into account the following recommendations:
– Only one period will be chosen: before the Nativity or on the Epiphany. You will not go twice on pastoral visits to the same parish.
– The option will be sent to the archpriest and will necessarily include the chosen period ”, states the Capital Prefecture.

It is also mentioned that, since these visits are a unique occasion for pastoral care, it is forbidden to delegate pastoral visits and they will be carried out only by the pastor or pastoral sector.

During these visits all sanitary regulations imposed by the authorities will be observed: clergy and singers will wear masks and sanitary gloves and the distance of 1.5 m will be respected. The houses of the parishioners will not be entered, except at their insistence. The prayer of the balance between the years will be officiated between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. The representative of the Catholic Church mentioned that the solemn Holy Mass on Christmas Eve will be celebrated at 8:00 p.m. It was reaffirmed that solidarity and social responsibility are fundamental in times of crisis and are two values ​​that dictate every decision at the regulatory level. The direction of the Institution of the Prefect – Municipality of Bucharest specified that the working meeting had as its motive the analysis of the necessary framework so that the citizens of Bucharest have the opportunity to practice their religion in the best conditions. The prefect assured the representatives of the church that, regardless of the cult, the Institution of the Prefect does not want to further affect religious activities, wanting to guarantee the rights of all believers, respecting the existing protection norms, being health and life Bucharest a priority. common. Because Life and Health are gifts, we address citizenship, appealing to education and civility, advocating behavior that promotes social commitment, foresight and security in their actions, categorically rejecting deviant or violent behaviors that damage order Social. sample in the statement sent by the Bucharest Prefecture

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