Strict rules at father’s funeral …


Doctors have been reluctant about his health since he arrived at the hospital. Father Mădăline Manole was hospitalized at the Ploiești County Emergency Hospital and, although he would have had to be transferred to the ATI department, all the beds were occupied, so the doctors proposed transfer to another medical unit. The family of Ion Manole, the father of the late Mădălina Manole, did not agree with this proposal and the man remained in Ploiești.

Also read: Madalina Manole’s father died. Ion Manole was hospitalized at ATI with COVID-19

Ion Manole’s condition worsened and it appears that he had gone into cardiopulmonary arrest, and although the doctors resuscitated him and tried to do everything possible to save his life, he died.

His funeral will be extremely strict, given that Ion Manole died of coronavirus. Madalina Manole’s brother claimed that the service will no longer be held in the church, but only in the cemetery, without specifying the date of the funeral.

“The funeral will be at his mother’s side. There will be no service except in the cemetery. From the morgue he puts it in the coffin and directly to the cemetery. There are many procedures, I do not know when they will bury him, tomorrow or the day after. Depending on how documents will come out. ” Madalina Manole’s brother said, according to
