State Mafia! DNA: Eforie police chief demanded bribe of 300 lei per day to tolerate clandestine trade – News from sources


The Eforie City Police Chief is under investigation for taking bribes and inciting abuse of power, after allegedly taking money to tolerate clandestine trade on the beach. The prosecutors of DNA Constanța ordered their placing under judicial control for 60 days, reports Mediafax.

According to a press release from DNA-Constanța Territorial Service, between July-August 2019 and July-August 2020, as commander of the Eforie City Police, the defendant would have repeatedly and periodically received, from one person, sums of money, not to fulfill their duties.

Prosecutors say that it is about tolerating clandestine commercial activities that take place mainly on the beaches of the town of Eforie.

„From the tests administered, it appears that the amount received as a bribe would have been 300 lei / day, with the shipment being made once every few days, mainly on Monday and Thursday of each week, in the vicinity of the Eforie Police Headquarters. .

In turn, the co-defendant, who had regularly turned the money over to the Eforie City Police Commander, had repeatedly collected it from those interested in obtaining protection for clandestine business activities. Likewise, the respective person claimed and received money for alleged information on the controls carried out by the authorities ”, is shown in the DNA statement.

Likewise, on August 10, 2020, the Eforie Police Chief asked an investigating officer to replace the measure of the 1,000 lei fine, applied to a person for traffic offenses, with the warning sanction, a measure that only the court could order. .

Other people are being prosecuted in this case. According to prosecutors, three of them have been under house arrest since August 28, 2020 for crimes of bribery, influence peddling, and tax evasion.

Police Chief Eforie cannot, during judicial control, leave Romania and practice his profession as a policeman.

“It was pointed out to the defendant that, in case of breach in bad faith of his obligations, the measure of judicial control can be replaced by the measure of house arrest or the measure of preventive detention,” the statement read.
