SRI’s wish for Romanians, for the New Year. The message went viral


The Romanian Intelligence Service sent a unique new message for the New Year. If two years ago the SRI sent a greeting card to Romanians with a telephone and the message “Let’s listen well”, in 2020 some binoculars and the message “Let’s look healthy” appear on the card.

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SRI has updated its New Years greetings in accordance with the times we live in. Due to the pandemic, health comes first and service employees wish Romanians “Let’s look healthy”.

Of course, the original message could not be absent, so binoculars appear on the card posted on Facebook, a sign that Romanians want to be healthy, while the SRI will monitor them.

The original message went viral. More than two thousand Romanians saw the publication on the SRI page and hundreds commented on it or distributed it.

Publisher: DC
