SRI in Cases – Former Timiş Court President commented on SCM’s decision: ‘It’s history. Now is the time to start from scratch ‘- Font News


Former President of the Timiş Court, Judge Adriana Stoicescu, reacted on Facebook after SCM’s decision not to allow SRI to work on criminal cases.

“Many of you do not care what happened today in the Superior Council of the Magistracy.

For those of you who have been the victims of an abusive system that has allowed people’s lives to be destroyed without any connection to the law, it is too late.

For those of us who know what really happened in the glory years of the binomial, today is Z Day.

I know that we judges are the first to be guilty.

I take the blame for what happened, even though I was among the victims of the system.

I was hunted for over 2 years, waiting for my son to be “tied up” by guilt to say no.

But about that, another time.

Now is the time to start from scratch.

Let us make sure that an innocent person will never wait years to receive the verdict of acquittal, after having been handcuffed, stained in public, destroyed to the end relentlessly, claiming in vain his innocence.

Let’s make sure we never have lawyers handcuffed again for the sole fault of defending their innocent client.

Let us ensure that there will never be a judge who will write a sentence other than on the basis of evidence administered fairly and correctly, in court, without the intervention of another institution.

Also read: Rareș Bogdan snapped: ‘You bastards to the end!’

Today, although it may not seem like it, the Superior Council of the Magistracy has made history.

He said NO to the return of the SRI in criminal cases.

He said NO to the appeal of the DNA against the report of the judicial inspection that found dozens of abuses committed against magistrates in the glorious years of the binomial.

Now is the time to turn to our victims and ask for their forgiveness.

Let’s learn the lessons of the past so as not to repeat it.

Let us campaign for a correct law of responsibility of the magistrates so that, if ever, a magistrate eager to assert himself, dependent on the lights of the ramp and the praise of the puppeteers, try to prosecute criminal cases or justice at will, to respond to the law. .

It’s time to be truly judging, “said Adrian Stoicescu.
