SPARKS! Representatives of family doctors call for the urgent dismissal of Orban’s adviser: ‘The statement is cynical and irresponsible’ – Source news


The Family Medicine Society calls for the removal of Prime Minister Virgil Guran’s adviser for a statement considered “cynical and irresponsible”, in which it compares family doctors with soldiers sent to war, where “unfortunately some die.” The statement was made in the context of the reaction of family doctors to the statement of the Minister of Health who announced that they will go to the homes of those positively confirmed. We specify that family doctors do not have cars that can be decontaminated, they do not have adequate equipment or “The possibility of equipping and disconnecting safely. The statement of Virgil Guran, representative of the Executive, is cynical and irresponsible, the military goes armed to war, not like family doctors, empty-handed “, show the representatives of family doctors.

“The National Society of Family Medicine (SNMF) requests the urgent dismissal of Mr. Virgil Guran, adviser to Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and is awaiting a public apology to medical personnel,” it is shown in a statement sent Sunday night by the SNMF.

Representatives of family doctors refer to a statement by Guran, in a television program: “You have to act, if you are not firm you will lose. And everyone has to understand. Who wants to send doctors to die? (…) “What should we do? It’s like the military, you send them to war, some of them die, unfortunately. “

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The statement was made in the context of the reaction of family doctors to the statement of the Minister of Health who announced that they will go to the homes of those positively confirmed. We specify that the family doctors do not have cars that can be decontaminated, they do not have adequate equipment or Virgil Guran, the representative of the Executive, is cynical and irresponsible, the military go armed to war, not like family doctors, with empty handed. “He is disqualified from empathy towards patients from any public office. In the hope that this counselor’s statement is a personal opinion and does not represent the position of the Romanian Government, the SNMF urgently demands his dismissal,” he writes in the statement from the SNMF.

“I tell them that you have to act urgently, things are changing minute by minute and now, with due respect to the opposition and everyone, I don’t know what it means to govern when you govern in a pandemic and something that has never been.” , which nobody is good at, nobody can predict exactly what is going on and you have to take some action. If you are not firm, we will lose. Everyone should understand this and no one wants … Who wants to send doctors to die or … God forbid, unfortunately, let’s look at Italy, Spain, there are many doctors, they got infected, what should we do? It’s like the military, I’m back with the military. “You send them to war, some die, unfortunately,” said Guran, in a program on Antena 3.
