Sources: The government is considering introducing new stricter Covid-19 restrictions.


Official sources said that Pro TV News that the Government is considering changing the restrictions that are now in place for alert status.

Currently, a sworn declaration for those who drive between 23.00 – 05.00, but the Government wants to modify this measure and establish the obligation to declare under their own responsibility between 22.00 – 05.00.

In addition, the terraces and bars could be closed from 10 p.m., and not at 11 p.m., as is the case today.

Last but not least, the Government is considering the possibility of reducing the accommodation capacity of tourist units to 50% or even 30%, since these accommodation could be one of the sources of massive infection by Covid-19 .

Officials are of the opinion that Romanians no longer respect the main protection rules against Covid-19 when on vacation, so they want to restrict the accommodation capacity in a tourist unit.

The alert will expire next week and the government wants to extend it.

In fact, Prime Minister Florin Cîţu declared on Monday that, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, may come with new measurements, but the existing ones are being implemented at the moment.

We will analyze the situation, we will see the evolution and depending on the evolution of the situation we will come with measures. At this moment we have the measures we have and we are implementing them“Said the prime minister, asked if the government is considering new restrictions.

Romania has been on alert since May 15, 2020. This means that we will continue to wear the mask in indoor public spaces. We are not allowed to organize large events, indoor or outdoor events.

In addition, sports competitions will continue without spectators.

Romania, on the red stage Covid-19

While new measures have taken effect in Bucharest and Timisoara, there are localities in the country where people have had to abide by the restrictions for weeks.

In this situation there are, for example, areas in Alba and Cluj. There the restaurants are closed and they only go to the preschool classrooms and primary school students.

Cluj-Napoca has been on the red stage for almost a month. But despite the measures taken by the authorities, the SARS-VOC2 infection rate exceeds four per thousand inhabitants. For this reason, restaurants, theaters and cinemas remain closed.

The situation is similar in Alba Iulia. People must follow strict rules for more than four weeks.

In Alba Iulia there are 4.89 cases of disease per thousand inhabitants.
