SOURCES Donald Trump unleashed advisers after polls show: Coronavirus affects popularity – News by source


United States President Donald Trump has reacted angrily to key political advisers after being presented with troubling opinion polls showing his declining popularity in the context of the coronavirus crisis in electorally decisive states, reports MEDIAFAX .

With the coronavirus epidemic killing many people and the economy stagnant, new opinion polls conducted by the Republican National Committee and Donald Trump’s campaign team reveal a troubling image for the president ahead of the November presidential election.

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In the opening weeks of the epidemic crisis, Donald Trump had a high level of popular support, but advisers now showed him rising political costs, some of which were caused by the president’s unforced errors at conferences. of press.

Donald Trump reacted defiantly to the new poll results, refusing to believe he could lose to an opponent he considered weak, the Associated Press reports.

“I will not lose … with Joe Biden,” Donald Trump said during tense videoconferences with key advisers to the election campaign, say five people who attended the talks. All five remain anonymous because they are not allowed to speak publicly about private discussions, AP says.

The message sent to the president was harsh: Trump ranks second in electoral preferences in many decisive states in the United States in presidential elections.

Donald Trump discussed his situation with Brad Parscale, his campaign team manager, Ronna McDaniel, chairman of the Republican Party National Committee, Jared Kushner, senior political adviser, and other consultants.

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Like White House advisers, the election team recommended that Donald Trump hold fewer press conferences, arguing that daily combat sessions affect his popularity, especially among older adults. Advisers also encouraged the president not to get involved in medical matters, but to focus on solving financial problems.

“We have built the largest economy in the world. I will do it one more time,” Donald Trump said in public.

Donald Trump, a member of the Republican Party, will have former Vice President Joseph Biden, a member of the Democratic Party, as his opponent in the November presidential elections.
