Sorin Oprescu asks to be released from custody for a control …


Sorin Oprescu wants to be consulted by two cardiologists, Leonida Gherasim and Dragoş Vinereanu, from the University Hospital, according to Romania TV.

According to representatives of the Capital Police, the request was presented for analysis to the competent unit, the “Dr. Nicolae Kretzulescu” Outpatient Diagnostic and Treatment Medical Center.

” “After he was at St. John’s Hospital last night, he considered going to Floreasca for further evaluation and possible intervention, if the suspicions he was brought up are confirmed. He said he does not want to go and that in the situation in The one that will improve the problem is fine, and if it gets worse, let it go.

Today, expressly requested, we, the defense, made a written request in this regard, by which we requested that they take us to the Hospital of the Municipal University of Bucharest. As far as I know it is a heart problem, I have not seen the medical documents, so I can confirm and I am not a professional. But both doctors are cardio. (…) It is a health problem that must be addressed. “said Viorel Mocanu, Oprescu’s lawyer.

He said the defense did not request that pretrial detention be replaced by another measure that cited medical problems.

“He expressly refuses to use this reason to replace the preventive detention measure, because he and we, the defense, do not understand why he cannot be investigated in a state of freedom under another preventive measure, given the position and the person of his reign, without using medical reasons. He rejects it. (…) The medical problems that existed at that time were not invoked “added the lawyer.

Regarding the deadline to receive a response about the medical check-up at the requested hospital, Mocanu said that “it is an ambiguity.”

” If we go to the Cretulescu Clinic, I say that the doctor here, the people here say that the people from the Cretulescu Clinic (…) I don’t care who has to give me the answer.

We are interested in giving it to us as soon as possible, because we, through the request made, show, and it is notorious, the problems. (…) We want this response to arrive as soon as possible so that the client can be transported to the hospital. It is a public, civil hospital, not a private clinic. (…) When a detainee or a detainee requests to go to a private clinic or a civil hospital, he must pay the transportation costs. If it is an emergency, then they take it without our request, ” Mocanu explained.

When asked whether Judge Camelia Bogdan’s motivation was the cause of the medical problems that occurred in Oprescu, the lawyer said that both the stress and the diet of his client may have contributed to them.

“I can’t blame everything for this motivation, but in these days of pre-trial detention … all the stress, plus the diet they can’t maintain and the stress has amplified it. You may have amplified it.” stress and get to this point. (…) The two main ailments he suffers are somewhat fatal“Mocanu said.

Sorin Oprescu, the suspended mayor of the Capital, was urgently transported to the hospital on Monday night, after being ill at the Capital Police Detention Center. According to the first information, Oprescu allegedly suffered a heart attack, but it was later established that it was a heart attack.

The former mayor of the capital, jailed for 30 days, is trying by all means to obtain a lighter punishment, including house arrest. Therefore, Oprescu requested to change the preventive measure, registered on Monday in the Bucharest Court, and as soon as it receives a deadline, it will be tried. Sorin Oprescu expects the judges to consider that he may be sent under house arrest or judicial control.

READ ALSO Sorin Oprescu, rushed to the hospital, after a heart attack. You run the risk of having a heart attack in custody
