“Sleeping Joe wakes up America”. What the press around the world is writing about the US presidential elections


The international press welcomed the announcement of the victory of Democrat Joe Biden in the presidency of the United States and noted the “unworthy departure” of Republican Donald Trump, while expressing concern about the enormous challenges facing the newly elected president and vice president-elect Kamala Harris. informs Agerpres.

“New dawn for the United States”, writes the British newspaper The Independent, highlighting the success of Harris, the first woman to assume the position of vice president of the United States.

“Sleeping Joe is waking America up,” joked the Sunday Times, alluding to the nickname Donald Trump gave his Democratic opponent during the election campaign. Joe Biden “ends the four-year chaotic rule of Donald Trump,” the newspaper added.

The Sunday Telegraph even takes Biden’s words: “It is time for America to recover.”

“What a liberation, what a relief: the votes are counted, like the days of Donald Trump (in the White House – no). Joe Biden inherits a heavy burden, like none of his predecessors: he must unite America,” commented the newspaper left-wing German Süddeutsche Zeitung.

The German magazine Der Spiegel has taken up the controversial cover in which President Donald Trump holds the decapitated head of the Statue of Liberty. An image by the same artist – Cuban American Edel Rodríguez – shows Biden who, mounted on a chair, places the head of the statue in its place, along with Trump’s motto, ‘Make America Great Again’, writes dpa.

“My new cover for Der Spiegel, the Statue of Liberty, is complete again,” the Cuban-American artist wrote on Twitter.

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Der Spiegel Editor-in-Chief Barbara Hans explained that the magazine had prepared two covers, as the outcome of the US presidential election was not known until days after the November 3 election. The other cover showed Trump loading a rifle into a barricaded Oval Office with the message “illegal tenant.”

“In almost five decades of public life, few people believed that Biden could succeed. His three attempts to conquer the White House were widely regarded as incredible. But Biden always seemed to trust himself. And now he is the new president of the United States. “Said Australian public broadcaster ABC.

However, the task that awaits the democratic tandem remains daunting, notes the German publication Die Zeit (center). “Joe Biden will have to find quick answers to the threats looming over the economy and the grave danger of the pandemic. He is unlikely to be able to reconcile the country on his own. It is inconceivable that Donald Trump would admit defeat. We have not stopped tremble for democracy ”, warns the publication.

The German tabloid Bild, which welcomes Biden’s victory, highlights the “unworthy departure” of Donald Trump, who refuses to admit defeat and vows to keep fighting.

“Trump was defeated, but his ideas remain”

The EFE agency reviews the reactions of the French press. Thus, the conservative French newspaper Le Figaro wonders what the Biden administration will be like, with half the country against the “usurpation” by the former US vice president of the second term of Donald Trump, who still does not recognize defeat, and with a low Senate Republican control “tempted to obstruct.” “The future president will have to play harder and gain momentum to gain the legitimacy that is denied him,” said the editorial signed by the director of the international section, Philippe Gélie.

Le Parisien newspaper publishes a front page picture of Biden in front of a huge American flag and headlines: “Biden turns the page to Trump. Inside, the editorial board recalls that this election seemed more like a referendum for or against Trump and that, despite the Republican defeat, “Trumpism” is not a parenthesis that ends after four years of a provocative and noisy presidency “.

“Trump has been defeated, but his ideas remain,” says Le Parisien, for whom the 5 million additional votes for the Republican, compared to the 2016 elections, demonstrate the sustainability of his electoral base.

Liberation newspaper (left) printed the American flag on the front page, titled “America’s Hope,” and wondered if, despite Biden’s victory, Trump had really lost.

“President Trump’s incendiary stance over the past three days shows that the stakes in this election are greater than the mere alternation of power between a Republican president and a Democratic president: the survival of the democratic foundations of the world’s leading power “the newspaper wrote in the cover editorial. .

The newspaper Le Monde highlights the call for calm by the former vice president-elect and the joy of the people who took to the streets on Saturday in American cities to celebrate Biden’s victory. However, the newspaper warns that the biggest mistake Biden could make would be to “lie on one ear in the context of this sense of relief.” Le Monde is convinced that, until the last day of his term, “Trump will continue to behave like a black hole of self-centeredness that would rather swallow democracy and the country completely than admit defeat or error.”

The largest Swedish daily, Dagens Nyheter (liberal), also considers Biden’s victory to be “bittersweet”. “Biden will have a hard time healing America,” and his promise to return the country to normal is heralded as a “mission impossible.”

The conservative newspaper Svenska Dagbladet notes that “the election is over, but the conflict continues.”

“Half the country, at least half of those who voted, may have the lasting feeling that something is wrong after months of fighting and calls to question the elections; that the electoral system is rigged and that it cannot be trusted. them, that there is no point in voting, that American democracy does not work, that the only person they can trust is the guy who told them that the elections were stolen, ”the newspaper wrote.

“Biden faces the monumental task of rebuilding confidence on the world stage,” writes the Japan Times.

Middle Eastern press skeptical about the future of the region

In the Middle East, the website of the Saudi government Okaz questions the repercussions in the region, but especially in relations with Iran, of this change of “cast” in the White House.

The Saudi daily Asharq Al-Awsat recalls that the term of the incumbent president generally favored the axis of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain, over Iran.

The newspapers of Iran, the black sheep of the United States, display contrasting attitudes. For the conservative press, the change of tenant in the White House is just a facade. “The United States has changed its mask,” Khorasan writes, “the unmasked enemy is gone, the masked enemy has arrived,” says Resalat. Newspapers close to reformist circles like Aftab-e Yazd see “a new chapter for America.”

“Your success is our success,” wrote the editorialist for Israel’s central newspaper Yediot Aharonot, expressing confidence that the new White House tenant will remain in favor of Israel, even if he resumes dialogue with Iran.

In Cairo, the government daily al-Akhbar believes in “irregularities” during the elections and says “the time has come for the United States to stop giving us more lessons in democracy.”

Kamala Harris is especially congratulated

Numerous publications insist on the exceptional performance of the vice president-elect Kamala Harris, who “smashed the glass ceiling of the Australian newspaper Sydney Morning Herald”.

“Her identity as (black) allowed her to speak in a personal way for a year that called into question police brutality and systemic racism. As the first woman elected to the highest office (as vice president, no) in an American administration, she gives hope to the women who were brought down after the defeat of Hillary Clinton four years ago, ”the newspaper concludes.

Harris is “a strong woman, a symbol of renewal and feared by Trump,” notes the center-right Spanish newspaper El Mundo, while El País refers to Trump as “the loser who hated the defeated.”

The Australian Daily Telegraph, owned by mogul Rupert Murdoch, notes that Trump “simply will not accept the humiliation of being most likely defeated by a rival he perceived as weak and who he believed would hardly be worth fighting.”

“He prepared the ground on Monday for allegations of electoral fraud and will not abandon this strategy now,” the publication said.

The Brazilian newspaper Folha in Sao Paulo points out that Trump’s defeat is “a punishment for the attacks on civilization” and draws attention to the “lesson” that this defeat represents for his Brazilian counterpart Jair Bolsonaro.

“South Ayrshire Golf Club Owner Loses 2020 Election”

In the UK, the regional newspaper Ayrshire Daily News, which is based in a region that is home to one of Trump’s many golf clubs, prefers a purely local approach, dryly reporting: “The owner of the golf club on Trump South Ayrshire loses the 2020 election. “

Publisher: GC
