Six “Key Commitments” to the USR-PLUS Governance Program Approved Saturday – Politics


USR and PLUS announce that they approved on Saturday the Government Program that the Alliance is committed to implementing after the parliamentary elections and that it says it will publicly present, in its entirety, after the presentation of the lists of candidates for the parliamentary elections. Among the key commitments of the program are the repair of justice laws, the depoliticization of the school, the creation of a National Fund for the Modernization of Health Infrastructure and the DNA of forests.

USR-PLUS announces, in a press release, that the almost 200 members that make up the reunited directorates of the two parties approved this Saturday the Government Program that the Alliance is committed to implementing after the parliamentary elections.

  • “The government program proposed by USR PLUS will bring a radical change in the way of governing in Romania. We need an efficient state, which acts in a clean, professional manner, in the interest of the citizen, as a partner of the business environment and civil society. The next few years, citizens and the business environment need stability and predictability, and the Romanian state needs reform and modernization to rid countries of incompetence, corruption, inefficiency, the legacy left by politicians who politicized to capture it.
  • Today we discuss the content of the program in the joint management structure of USR and PLUS, developed with the participation of more than 200 people with specialization and experience in the areas covered by the program. The Good Governance Revolution that we propose means, in fact, the return to a common sense government, ”said Dacian Cioloş, Co-Chair of the Alliance and Prime Minister Proposal of USR-PLUS.
  • “A governance program means evolution, solutions and solidarity. It means that you have a vision for the future and that vision has well-defined mechanisms, details and timelines and indicators to measure evolution. That is what our colleagues who worked on the document did. -I adopted it today: they identified problems and provided solutions, before writing they consulted with experts, civil society, businessmen and party members, thus they managed to make the best program of all “The four years that ended in December were years of opposition. And it was difficult. The years to come are the years of construction. And it will be sustainable, “said Dan Barna, co-chair. USR-PLUS.

The program will be presented in public, in its entirety, after the presentation of the USR-PLUS candidate lists, the cited source states.

Six of the 40 “key commitments” of the USR PLUS Governance Program:

  • “Do not die with justice in hand. We will repair everything that the PSD destroyed in the field of Justice, from correcting the laws of Justice and abolishing the Special Section to restarting DNA activity, re-incriminating negligence in the position and return to the old definition of abuse of office. Likewise, we will make the act of justice more efficient and transparent through measures such as computerization, online transmission of judicial hearings, simplified payment of the judicial stamp, restructuring of judicial districts, complementing the number of judges in the judicial system.
  • There is no politics at school. We are gradually abolishing school inspections and organizing competitions for school principals, so that we have efficient managers in the management of educational units.
  • We are creating a National Fund for the Modernization of the Sanitary Infrastructure. It is a program of one billion euros for the next four years to finance the renovation or reconstruction of hospitals.
  • We are afforesting Romania and creating the DNA of forests. Simultaneously with the organization of a Public Prosecutor’s Office dedicated to environmental crimes, we want to attract European, private and budgetary funds to achieve an annual afforestation rate that will allow, by 2050, to cover around 40% of Romania’s land area with forests.
  • European money in the industries of the future. We want to develop Romania through investments in green technologies and clean energy, digital and industry 4.0, high value-added processing and innovation, ecotourism, creative industries.
  • Internet for everyone. Anyone, anywhere, should have high-speed internet access because this is the highway of the future. “