SITUATION behind the cash registers. Cora, Carrefour and Lidl, behind the scenes of the war with COVID-19. As companies see the fight


In this context, in order to clarify what measures they took for their employees and whether they were instructed to use protective equipment correctly, equipment that protects their lives, but also buyers, we send requests to all the major stores in Romania. Three responded and we show you below how you can see the measures taken in the pandemic beyond the cash register:


DCNews: What equipment is provided to employees, per business day?

Cora: Cora’s employees are equipped according to the authorities’ recommendations. Therefore, wearing a mask is mandatory throughout the presence at work and we insist on wearing it correctly, covering the nose and mouth.

Wearing gloves is also mandatory.

An additional element of protection is the visor., provided by cora, which is also recommended. However, the visor becomes mandatory for those who cannot wear a mask due to health reasons.

DCNews: What steps are being taken internally, if any, to prevent the possible spread of the virus?

Cora: The measures implemented by Cora are fully in line with the authorities’ recommendations. We have a double responsibility, towards the cora hypermarket teams and towards customers, with the safety of all of us being our absolute priority.

Employees receive the temperature at the entrance to the shift. The procedure says that if they are found to have a fever, they are isolated and sent home.

Stores are disinfected several times a day – we mean store surfaces, baskets and carts, cash register areas, warehouse, and areas where online orders are prepared.

We install plexiglass panels in homes to limit interaction between employees and customers. In stores there are disinfection points for customers.

Special visible marks are drawn on the floor for clients to respect the necessary social distance. We call customers several times a day, in stores, by audio message to respect the 1.5 meter distance between them.

We have priority homes for seniors and a special program for them, as well as priority homes for medical staff and MapN and MAI staff, who are at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic.

DCNews: Were employees trained to use the equipment?

Cora: Employees receive constant training in hygiene and protection standards. I know what equipment to use, how to use it properly, when to change it, and how to avoid possible contamination. We strictly follow all the rules, as they are essential to prevent the spread of the virus.

Communications are carried out daily within the team through team magazines, but we also have a strong internal information campaign through audio messages in the store before the start of the program and through thematic posters and newsletters.


DCNews What steps, if any, are being taken internally to prevent the possible spread of the virus? What other internal measures have been taken, not for consumers, but for company representatives versus buyers?

Carrefour: Since the beginning of this crisis, Carrefour Romania has invested in a series of emblematic protection measures against Covid-19, in addition to the set of measures imposed by the authorities. I acted with caution and anticipation. Therefore, we were the first to install transparent panels in cash registers (Plexiglas) and hot water sinks in hypermarkets in all stores.

Due to concern for the health and safety of employees, we have, as a precaution, activated the Work from Home program for teams at headquarters, to the extent possible, since the schools closed. Then, for the same reasons, we took caution first and decided that our employees who had returned to Romania from sensitive areas at the start of the crisis would remain in isolation for 14 days, even if, at the time, those areas had not yet been declared. Red.

With the closing of schools, the company offered paid days off to all employees under the age of 18 who worked in stores. Additionally, to protect our colleagues over the age of 65, we decided to offer them the opportunity to stay home on paid days off.

Faced with a virus that started suddenly and evolved rapidly, we act and will continue to be dynamic, to adapt to the rigors of the authorities, until the state of emergency ends, but also after that. Our goal is to limit the risk of disease as much as possible among our teams and clients.

DCNews: What equipment is provided to employees, per business day? Did the employees receive the training to use the equipment?

Carrefour: We constantly train our employees in stores and warehouses on daily hygiene rules and provide them with the necessary protective equipment: masks, visors, gloves.

We also continue to adhere to a firm and consistent disinfection plan and cleaning protocols.

In addition, Carrefour has installed thermometers at the entrance of all stores to detect people with fever, employees or customers. Customers are also constantly informed about the obligations to be observed in the stores, through internal signage. Access for people from vulnerable categories inside and at cash registers is a priority and, in addition, there are houses dedicated to medical personnel, where this has been possible.


We are a company that takes responsibility for the communities to which it belongs, and in this extremely difficult period for all, we know that the population depends on us to provide them with food on a daily basis. Our most important goals have been, since February, and will remain in the coming period, ensuring the availability of products for customers and protecting the health of partner and customer employees.

In accordance with the evolution of COVID-19 in Romania, we have gradually taken a series of measures for your safety, such as:

– We supplemented the amount of disinfectant available to colleagues in stores and installed dispensers with disinfectant solution at the entrance of the store, as well as in the cash register area, for customers.

– We have increased cleaning measures, constantly disinfecting common areas, respectively exposed objects and / or with a lot of traffic, such as toilets, entrances and exits (doors, handles), shopping carts and baskets, tapes of marked houses, POS, showcases and refrigerators.

– Colleagues in stores have received reusable masks and have disposable gloves available according to individual needs. Employees receive regular instructions on how to use this equipment correctly, including how to effectively sterilize reusable masks and how to prevent the spread of the new Coronavirus.

– As an additional measure to protect our colleagues in stores, we install transparent protection panels on cash registers.

– Based on the official recommendations of the authorities, we also made a series of recommendations for customers, for example, paying mainly by bank card or washing food well before consumption. These recommendations were published online, on the social networks where we operate, in our newsletter and on the website, as well as in our stores.

– We have intensified the prevention and safety call to customers and employees through audio messages, distributed by radio in the stores.

And in our warehouses, we have taken a number of measures that take into account both the protection of our employees and the employee drivers of our logistics providers, and the provision of additional hygiene measures for products. These include the constant sanitation of equipment, surfaces and spaces in frequent transit, the provision of disinfecting solutions and disposable gloves for warehouse workers. At the same time, as a measure of greater protection, both drivers and employees who come in contact with them receive disposable masks and gloves, and microphones have been installed in merchandise receiving offices to minimize direct interpersonal contact.

Parallel to the measures that we can take, at the business level, we constantly call for customer solidarity to comply in turn with the recommendations of the authorities and individual preventive measures during purchases.
