Simulation. How the anti-COVID vaccination campaign will be carried out in hospitals


Of the 10,000 doses of vaccine who arrived in Bucharest today, 155 will be sent to Constanza. The vaccine will hit the beach tomorrow morning, and medical staff will be vaccinated shortly. Doctors and nurses simulated tomorrow’s event, so that at the start of the campaign, everyone knew exactly what to do.

The first vaccination campaign in Constanza will last three days. The doses will arrive on Sunday morning, then, starting at 10 o’clock:0060 members of the medical staff will be vaccinated.

METERed: AI did a simulation to find out tomorrow how to proceed. We are interested in the amount, we prepare the five doses and when they are scheduled to administer the injection.

The nurses came from home to prepare all the necessary utensils for vaccination and decided where the vaccine doses would be kept.

Health care: Here it will be dissolved and the doses will be prepared. We have a saline solution in which they will dissolve, a quantity of that vaccine. Take the serum, insert it here, shake very lightly 10 times, then take the injection syringes.

The first person from Constanza to be vaccinated is the coordinator of the anti-vaccination campaigni-COVID from the city.

rer. Sorin Rugină, coordonatorul Bellme of SCBI vaccination Constanţa: Given the context, yes, some of them will not be vaccinated in this campaign, but they will be vaccinated later. We have in the three scheduled days, 27, 28 and 29, a number of about 60 – tomorrow, 50 – months and the rest – Marchţme.

The vaccination team will be complexComplicated, made up of infection doctors and resuscitators, who will provide assistance in the event of possible post-vaccination accidents. The epidemiologists will classify the infectious disease hospital nurses together.

LGrandmother Andrei, assistantComplicated doctorA: We say that we are professionals, we have a little more and we have been trying for a year COVID-19, then we are optimistic.

Mihaela Ianoş, assistantComplicated doctorA: I am glad that I am going to vaccinate my colleagues, first of all, because we are a team and we support each other, I am happy to know that I will be part of those vaccinated and I assure them of my health and that of those around me, I am also happy for that I came home this Christmas.

10.000 of doses are in the Cantacuzino Institute. At night he goes to infectious disease hospitals across the country. Infectious people from Iași and Timișoara will be among the first to be vaccinated.

Adrian Marinescu, infectious disease physician at Matei Balș Hospital in Bucharest: Motherine goes mevaccination begins, Matei Balet was the first hospital to treat the infectionţii SARS-CoV2.

Florin Roșu, head of the ATI department at Ia Hospitali Infectious Diseases Hospital: MEn moment of fayou U.S meregisteretI readyComplicated 260 medical staff out of 280.

Virgil Musta, head of the department of infectious diseases “Victor Babeș” Timișoara: 90 percentComplicated they are vaccinatedComplicated etand 10 the sutComplicated no. 450 doses we receive are 433 or 434 peopleto the who will be vaccinated.

The vaccine againstCOVID-19 It comes in powder form, in small bottles, in which physiological saline must be introduced for dilution and then it will be divided into five equal doses for 5 different patients.

Editing: Monica Bonea
