Signs that warn you that you have a stomach problem


The gallbladder, also called a gallbladder, is a pear-shaped organ attached to the liver that collects liver secretion (bile) and, in the process of digestion, releases it to the small intestine.

It can cause discomfort when overloaded or when you encounter difficulties in eliminating bile during the digestion process, such as deposits or stones in the route of evacuation of bile secretion.

Pain on the right side

If smaller or larger gallstones or stones form in the gallbladder, the first sign is sharp pain felt on the right side of the abdomen and right shoulder. It can take a quarter of an hour or more in a row. Pain makes breathing difficult and disrupts sleep. This is caused by a blockage in the path of the channel through which the ball flows. It can persist for several hours after a meal, there are other symptoms such as fever, nausea, vomiting.


Some people who have gallstones may not have any symptoms to alarm them, in which case they do not require surgery.

Keep reading and take care of your health. This is what teas treat lazy bile

Discontinuous cramps

If you have a lazy ball, you may experience cramps and slight pain on the right side, below the ribs, both of which are sometimes associated with nausea. They appear shortly after a good meal. Repeated and painful contractions of the gallbladder are reduced if you lie on the right side.

If you face such a thing, your suffering has a name: biliary dyskinesia.

What’s really going on?

Bile, the secretion that the gallbladder pours into the small intestine in the process of digestion, stagnates in the bladder and repeatedly contracts in an attempt to free itself from the contents.


When a stone forms along the tube through which bile passes from the gallbladder to the small intestine, inflammation of the area also occurs, causing a condition called cholecystitis.

Nausea, vomiting, fever and severe pain are the signs that announce these dysfunctions. In about 20% of cases, the inflamed gallbladder is invaded by bacteria from the small intestine, causing an infection.


Do you realize that your temperature has increased, you have pale skin, chills, have you lost your appetite? There are signs that may indicate a gallbladder infection due to the formation of a stone. To these symptoms can be added others, more rare: dark urine and light stools.

How to prevent a biliary crisis

“Keep calm!” The crisis can also be triggered in the nervous system.

– At the first symptoms, consult a doctor and follow a light diet with cottage cheese, toast, baked or boiled potatoes.

– Do not forget to drink more water in hot weather or after drinking coffee, green or black tea, because water plays an important role in the digestion process, implicitly in the secretion of bile.

– Practice gymnastics or another favorite sport 3-4 times a week, in rounds of at least half an hour.

Learn to overcome a biliary crisis more easily
