Shot for Cortacero! The members of the Dinamo Board of Directors insulted Dorin Șerdean


According to sources from, At today’s meeting it was decided to withdraw from President Dorin Șerdean, Pablo Cortacero’s henchman, any right to sign, both in sports, in the relationship with the LPF and FRF, and in the relationship with the banks.

Dorin Șerdean, without the right to sign at Dinamo

Today’s meeting was attended by Cornel Țălnar, Cristi Hîldan and Constantin Eftimescu. Cornel Dinu empowered Cristi Hîldan, and Pablo Cortacero did not come and had no representative.

The members of CA Dinamo have withdrawn the right to sign Șerdean because the blue and white band is going to collect the amount of 400,000 euros of television rights between January 25 and 30, and they want them to decide what will happen to the money. .

After today’s decision, only Constantin Eftimescu, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dinamo, still has the right to sign.

Dinamo is followed by a General Assembly

The club bosses are expected to meet on January 21, in a General Assembly where Cortacero must bring the promised money.

In December, Pablo Cortacero insisted on a capital increase of 5 million euros for Dinamo, which was approved at the General Shareholders’ Meeting on December 21. The Spaniard promised to transfer the money, but this has not happened so far, and the patience of everyone involved in Dinamo has run out.

Dorin Șerdean, “with knives” with the followers of Dinamo

The relationship between Dinamo’s CEO and supporters is tumultuous. Seen as a guarantor for the Spaniards, who took over the club and failed to deliver on any of the promises made, Șerdean began to be pushed to the back door just last month.

A tense first episode between the fans and the CEO took place in Dinamo’s match with CFR of “Ștefan cel Mare”, score 0-2, when fans asked Șerdean to leave the stadium, blaming him for the club’s disastrous financial situation.

At the beginning of this year, the tension between Dorin Șerdean and the fans reached alarming levels again. The president of Dinamo has been accused by supporters that he would have liked to send the promising midfielder Ahmed bani at FC Voluntari for free, and Șerdean’s right to sign was questioned. The former head of chess players from Alba Iulia answered, assuring that what the fans say is about “the night of the mind”!

Dorin Șerdean is also not to the liking of players, who recently promised that they will receive the money related to two pending salaries, which in the end did not happen. The president repeated his promise when confronted by the players, and one of them allegedly jumped into the fray. details HERE.

VIDEO DDB does not forgive Cosmin Contra: “The Dinamo Contra player does not give up anything. He wants money from these people! “

Read more news about Dinamo:

The announcement made about Radu Mazăre. The decision of the magistrates

