Shock wave. Is Europe closing down? Terrifying record of new cases of Covid-19 infection


The epicenter of the outbreak in the European region has now moved to the west of the old continent.

After countries like Russia and the United Kingdom experienced an increase in the number of coronavirus infections in the last 5 days, Spain and France are also included in the new outbreak, reporting at least more than 10,000 cases each in the last three. days, according to Reuters.

Russia reported the most daily coronavirus cases after May on Friday, prompting Moscow authorities to consider closing bars and nightclubs.

The UK recorded more than 17,000 COVID-19 cases on Thursday, and British Health Minister Matt Hancock warned that Britain is at a “dangerous time”. Many regions of northern England, Wales and Scotland have introduced stricter restrictions on social interaction to try to prevent the spread of the disease.

The UK has a 7% death rate from COVID-19, one of the highest in the world. More than 6 out of 10,000 people have died from the virus in the country.

Eastern Europe, higher risk

Europe currently accounts for more than 16% of all coronavirus cases globally and almost 22% of COVID-19 deaths. On Thursday, when the number of cases reported daily surpassed 100,000, Eastern Europe was the worst affected region, with more than 33,600 cases reported daily.

In Northern Europe, the UK was the only country with an extremely high number of cases. New infections in the country have multiplied by more than 2.5 since the beginning of October and there is no indication that the spread of the disease is slowing.

Italy, in southern Europe, recorded more than 4,000 cases for the first time since April, when the country was devastated by the virus. The daily number of cases in the country has increased steadily in the last three months. The country ranks second in terms of deaths on the continent, with 36,083 deaths since the outbreak in February.

The Spanish government declared on Friday a state of alert in the region of the capital, Madrid, as a measure to combat the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic. With 850 cases of coronavirus per 100,000 inhabitants, the Madrid area has the highest contagion rate in Europe.

Also in Western Europe, France posted a new daily record for COVID-19 cases on Thursday for two consecutive days, with hospitals operating in an emergency system.

For its part, Belgium has imposed stricter controls on assemblies following new infections in the country. New cases have increased more than 2.6 times since the beginning of October. COVID-19 infections have already killed more than 10,000 people in the country, which has a population of 11 million.

New negative records

Europe has become the new outbreak of COVID-19 on the planet, after reporting more cases than the United States, Brazil, India, which have negative records so far. In addition, the majority of cases were registered globally in a single day: almost 340,000.

Also on Thursday, the highest total number of cases in the world novel was recorded: 338,779 in 24 hours. The previous record set by the WHO for new cases was October 2: 330,340 cases.

Deaths worldwide rose by 5,514 on Thursday to a total of 1.05 million. The WHO reported a record 12,393 deaths on April 17, ABC News reports.
