Shipowner Corneliu Idu, one of the most powerful Romanian businessmen, died of Covid-19


Corneliu Idu died on the morning of December 1, 2020, killed by Covid-19. He was hospitalized for three days.

Idu was 70 years old, born in 1950, in Tuzla. He lived in Eforie, the city where he had completed high school, then attended the Mircea cel Batran Marine Institute in Constanta (now the Naval Academy). He was married to Stefana, a doctor and former volleyball player, with whom he had two children, a son, a daughter and grandchildren.

The influential businessman, former handball player, is the one who supported tennis champions Simona Halep and Horia Tecău in his career, and his Tennis Club Idu stadium in Mamaia hosted international competitions.

Forbes magazine, which included him in the Top Richest Romanians, wrote that Idu is known in Constanta as “a businessman of financial importance” who “had set out to establish the largest Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) terminal. .) from the Black Sea ”.

Corneliu Idu had inaugurated at the beginning of October 2019 the most modern and largest silo in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The silo is located at berth 80 of the Port of Constanza. The total investment was 50 million euros. “It is practically the only independent cereal terminal, the rest of the large merchants”, as Corneliu Idu told the economic press.

Forbes magazine reported in 2010:

The Constance businessman has announced since 2009 a total investment that will amount to about ten million euros and will be made through the company Octogon Gas & Logistics, a company controlled by the Idu family.

Work on the new Black Sea terminal began at the end of 2009, when a financing contract was signed with Banca Transilvania.

The details provided by the Idu family show that the terminal built by Octogon Gas & Logistics will have ten tanks, with a storage capacity of 4,000 cubic meters, and the land related to the investment, located in Midia Port, has an area of ​​more of two hectares.

Once the works are completed, the Midia Port will have two maritime terminals for LPG: one owned by ButanGas, a company managed and owned by Veronica Guşă de Drăgan, and another built by Octogon Gas & Logistics.

The businessman’s son, Bogdan Idu, current general manager of Octogon Gas & Logistics, said that the equipment was bought from Europe and, in parallel, work began on a mooring dam, where 2,500-ton ships can arrive.

Idu jr. He also said that the liquefied petroleum gases, discharged in Midia, will be delivered both to the Romanian market and exported to Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia. In parallel, last year the Idu Shipping company achieved a turnover of three million euros and a profit of 2.6 million euros.

In addition to the stakes in Comvex, Idu Shipping and Octogon, the constant and his family also own real estate, valued at several million euros. Corneliu Idu is passionate about tennis and has invested around five million euros in a sports base “.

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