Seven people have had side effects so far after being vaccinated against Covid


Three planes, which landed in Bucharest, Timisoara and Cluj on Tuesday, carried more than 140,000 doses of anti-Covid serum to Romania.

The special cargo was then distributed to storage centers, from where it will be directed to hospitals, for tens of thousands of employees to be immunized.

The total number of medical personnel who were vaccinated after the third day of the campaign increased to 2,778.

Seven people had side effects classified by specialists as minor.

Shortly before 8 a.m., a cargo plane carrying more than 100,000 doses of the Covid vaccine landed at a private terminal in Otopeni.

The transport was expected by many security forces, but also by the teams whose mission is to transport the serum to the warehouses.

From the plane, the cans were loaded into cars containing carbon dioxide and sealed aluminum foil. The transport cars are accompanied by crews of Police and Gendarmerie, so that the serum can safely reach centers throughout the country.

The first transport with more than 40,000 doses left for the Cantacuzino Institute in Bucharest, the main storage center, then the cars were prepared and the rest of the vials were taken and taken to the military hospitals in Craiova, Brașov, Constanța and Iași .

Romeo Feraru, spokesperson for the Cantacuzino Institute: “They will be distributed to hospitals in accordance with requests received from the National Vaccine Coordination Committee. The distribution will be made in special vehicles, vans that will transport the vaccine to the hospitals that requested the doses.”

Before noon, two other planes, carrying almost 40,000 doses of serum from Belgium, landed in Cluj and Timisoara.

A new section of vaccines has arrived in Timisoara, this time by air. We are talking about more than 10,000 doses of vaccine, which will be distributed to hospitals in the west of the country.

Oana Coman, coordinator of the Regional Vaccine Storage Center: “They were stored in the freezer that ensures a temperature of minus 80 degrees. The DSPs notice our reception and can order electronically.”

Florin Cioca, Director of DSP Timiș: “The DSPs will distribute them to hospitals. When we take them out of the county hospital, we start the defrosting procedure and they are valid for five days at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius.”

90% of Timiș medical staff want to get vaccinated

According to representatives from DSP Timiș, 90% of the medical personnel in this county expressed their desire to be immunized against SARS-CoV-2. In fact, there, the 500 doses received in the first delivery finished in two days.

On this occasion, the serum will also reach municipal, county or pneumophysiology hospitals, that is, health units that have entered the second phase of care for patients with SARS-CoV -2.

Andrei Baciu, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health: “The principle on which I acted was that of meritocracy. The first section of 10,000 who were admitted first, the hospitals of phase 1 of that order, in which the hospitals and their role in the battle with Covid-19 were classified ”.

Doctors Recommend That People Trust Their Serum

Doctors advise people to trust the serum that it could end this pandemic.

Simin florescu: “To be informed from reliable sources. The doctors in the hospital, the doctors who coordinate the vaccination campaign, have no interest in making the world sick.”

Florentina Neagu, Assistant Chief: “There is still confidence, optimism and we hope to end what is happening now and return to our previous lives. We had to isolate ourselves from family, from friends, just to get to know them well. This communication, which no longer existed between people, hurt a lot. ”

On Tuesday, 4,637 new illnesses were recorded, but for 135 Romanians, Covid-19 turned out to be the end of the road. There are currently 1,162 patients in intensive care units.
