Seven more towns around Bucharest enter the red stage


Seven localities around Bucharest enter code red after the incidence rate has exceeded the threshold of 3 diseases per thousand inhabitants. Officials say that in the 7 towns of Ilfov the mask will be mandatory in open spaces and restaurants will be closed inside. In total, in Ilfov there are nine seats on the red stage. The first two, which entered almost two weeks ago, Berceni and Dărăști, register considerable decreases in the number of infected platforms after the imposition of restrictions.

Noon in Brănești. In just a few minutes, the streets are filled with police and law enforcement officers. Authorities here have been informed that they are no longer on the yellow stage. They entered the red stage due to the large number of infections, and the first change is already perceived in the streets. Police officers emerged at one of the busiest intersections to enforce the new restrictions.

There are four secondary schools in the locality where the courses according to the yellow script were held.

“We discovered that we exceeded 3, so from tomorrow we will definitely enter the red stage. (Reporter: When did you get this news?) 5 minutes ago! After going through the stages related to the documents, we will make the official announcement to parents and children, ”says Dumitru Nicolau, principal of a secondary school in Brănești.

This means that for students it was the last day they physically came to school. It will be two weeks in which the courses will be developed on the Internet.

“I understand you are entering the red dash!”

– Pfoaii!

– How do you see this situation? You came to school today, but tomorrow?

– Nasol! In school, like this, you interact with the world, like this, online you are with the camera and it is not the same as in school.

In addition to Brănești, six other locations entered the red stage.

The 7 localities where the incidence of cases is greater than 3 per thousand inhabitants are Brăneşti, Bragadiru, Ciorogârla, Dobroieşti, Dragomireşti Vale, Mogoşoaia and Popeşti Leordeni. Two other Ilfov locations entered the red stage at the end of October, Berceni and Dărăști.

Almost two weeks ago, the town of Berceni entered the red stage, the incidence rate exceeded 3 per thousand inhabitants. Meanwhile, after the restrictions were applied, things changed. For the moment, although the red scenario will continue, the incidence rate is 0.7 per thousand inhabitants.

Although officials say the decline is dramatic after the restrictions were lifted, Berceni residents are skeptical.

– How many people on this bus were tested? Is there anyone who has been tested?

– None is tested, absolutely no one. Who to test? If we go anywhere, we must pay!

Officials say that although the number of infected has decreased in the two localities, the red scenario will be applied until the two weeks pass and then a decision will be made.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
