Sergio Agüero has shocked the world of football! He caught the referee by the neck at Manchester City


In the 42nd minute of the game on “Etihad”, the Argentine forward was visibly unhappy with a decision by referee Sian Massey-Ellis, who conceded a shot from the edge for the “Gunners”. Immediately afterwards, Agüero grabbed the referee by the neck. Although her gesture lacked intensity, Sian was visibly embarrassed..

Come on guys … Sergio is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Look for trouble elsewhere, not here
Pep Guardiola, after the game

“He certainly wouldn’t have done that to a referee.”

Agüero’s gesture caused a wave of reactions on social networks, most of the followers of the phenomenon vehemently criticized Agüero. “Terrible”, “He should get a red card and three stages of suspension because he put his hands on a referee”, “He should have taken the red card, never touch the referees”, “It should be forbidden”, “Too bad! I certainly wouldn’t have done that to a referee ”are just some of the opinions expressed.

For real, According to the regulations, Agüero could have been warned or even eliminated. Because it touched the referee!

Agüero resisted on the field for 65 minutes, being the first player to be replaced by the “citizens” team. Instead, coach Pep Guardiola introduced Ilkay Gundogan.

Manchester City - Arsenal, 17 10 2020+9 PHOTOS

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