Scottish Prime Minister announces UK break: ‘I’ve never been so sure we’ll make it’ – News source


Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Saturday she had never been so sure that the British province would win independence, at a time when Brexit is set to become a reality from January 1, AFP reports.

“Scotland is now a nation about to go down in history. Independence is clearly possible: with a common goal, modesty and hard work, I have never been so sure that we will achieve it,” said Nicola Sturgeon. at the opening of the online congress of the Scottish National Party (SNP), which he leads, writes

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Although “our main objective must remain the elimination of COVID-19 from our territory, Scotland must be prepared for what will come next,” he added from his home in Glasgow.

Aspirations for independence are back in force after London’s much-criticized management of the coronavirus epidemic.

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Now it is “a strong and majority opinion in public opinion”, according to the Scottish politician, that a poll carried out at the beginning of October by Ipsos Mori credits a “very strong” support from the public, satisfied with 72% of how he handled pandemic.

Therefore, his party appears to be in a strong position with the local elections approaching in May next year, AFP notes. The SNP could win many seats in the Scottish decentralized parliament, which is responsible for decisions on education, health and transport.

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Nicola Sturgeon promised in September to set the terms and date of a second referendum on the independence of the British province, despite London’s refusal.

Such a poll was already conducted in 2014 and Scots voted 55% to stay in the UK.

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However, Nicola Stugeon claims that Brexit has changed the face of the problem for the Scots. The British province voted en masse in 2016 against leaving the EU.

“The Scottish people have the right to choose their future,” said the Scottish Prime Minister. “The question for everyone in the May elections is this: who should make the decisions that shape our future?”

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He urged his party colleagues “to show in cold blood and patience that Scotland is ready to take its place in the great family of independent nations.”
