School starts on September 14


The Public Health Departments announced this Monday the epidemiological situation of each locality, and within three days, the schools will broadcast the adopted scenario for the start of the new school year.

Epidemiological analysis by region for the beginning of the school year. Below is the official document, recently published.

What is the incidence rate of coronavirus infections by counties / cities in the municipality?

  • In Bucharest, the incidence rate of coronavirus infections per thousand inhabitants is 1.12, according to the document published by the Ministry of Health.
  • In Bucharest, the simulation shows that three sectors will be in the Yellow scenario: sectors 1, 2 and 6
  • In Alba, in the municipal seat of Alba Iulia, the rate is 1.11 per thousand inhabitants.
  • In Arad County, the incidence rate is 0.67 per thousand inhabitants in Arad.
  • In Argeş County, the incidence rate is 0.50 per thousand inhabitants in Piteşti.
  • In Bacău, the incidence rate is 1.99 per thousand inhabitants in the municipality of the head of the county, Bacău.
  • In the municipality of Oradea the incidence rate is 1.13
  • In Bistriţa Năsăud, in the city of Bistriţa, the rate is 0.58, but there are localities that exceed the incidence of 1 per thousand inhabitants
  • In Brasov, the city of Ghimbav, the incidence is 3.27, which means that it falls on the red stage, and the school will be held online only.

See below the detailed document with the simulation of the scenarios that apply to each location.

Red: online system / Yellow: hybrid online system / physical presence / Green: school attendance

The Minister of Education, Mónica Anisie, declared, on Sunday afternoon, that school will begin on September 14, with the scenario to be decided by each educational unit based on the epidemiological situation. Anisie said school inspectors are optimistic that in 80% of schools students will return to class.

“School begins on September 14, although there were discussions with certain epidemiologists who recommended postponing the start of the school year or starting online precisely so that the disease can be consumed. Tomorrow we expect from the DSP the reports of the epidemiological situation of each locality and it is up to each educational unit to choose the scenario according to the epidemiological situation. So far, inspectors have said they are optimistic that 80% of the units will start physical school. Tomorrow we will know the epidemiological situation after which we will be able to give all the necessary data “, has stated the Minister of Education on Antena 3.

Orban’s announced version of going back to school on October 1 and taking courses online for two weeks on September 14 has been abandoned. The prime minister mentioned that no decision has been made in this regard, the decisions made so far remain in force.

Schools Announce Scenario Adopted September 10

The schools make their opening plan based on the situation announced by DSP, but also on the infrastructure at their disposal.

Each school chooses a scenario and then the proposal is sent to school inspections and emergency committees. If the proposal is accepted by the Committees, it is returned to inspection and the final decision is made on September 10.

The three scenarios are: red, yellow and green, depending on the epidemiological situation. The three main scenarios are determined by the number of new cases in the last 14 days per thousand inhabitants. The 2020-2021 school year begins on September 14.

The green stage

It is the most optimistic variant, the one in which less than one person per thousand inhabitants is detected with COVID-19, in the last 14 days.

Education Minister Monica Anisie explained that in the case of the green scenario, in which all children are expected to go to school, this is mandatory, not optional.

“As long as there is no danger, I do not see why the parent should not send their child to school. The decision of the County Committee for Emergency Situations is made together with DSP. So if from there it is said that there is no danger, I don’t see why students don’t attend classes “Anisie said.

Yellow writing

The yellow scenario, the medium risk scenario, supposes between 1 and 3 people positively detected with the new coronavirus per thousand inhabitants, in the last 14 days.

In this case, the priority to go to school will have the preschoolers, the students of 0-4 grades, but also the students of the last years.

The rest of the classes will take classes online, but will also go to school, on a rotating basis.

Red writing

The red scenario, considered a disaster, means that in a locality there are more than 3 people positively detected for every thousand inhabitants in the last 14 days.

In this case, the school closes completely and classes will be held online.

The scenarios will be constantly updated, depending on the local epidemiological situation. For each county, the Emergency Situations Committee, upon the proposal of the school and the School Inspection, will decide whether students will go to school or study online.

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