Scandal in USR PLUS by Vlad Voiculescu. The “elected deputy mayor” no longer answers his colleagues on the phone and ignores the PMB


Vlad Voiculescu, who for several months had claimed the title of “deputy mayor-elect” of Bucharest, although this position is not chosen by direct vote but by vote in the General Council of the Municipality, is now in the middle of a scandal in USR PLUS, because Exactly when he had to attend the CGMB meeting to officially become deputy mayor, he did not respond by phone to his colleagues and instead was appointed deputy mayor Horia Tomescu, of whom the party alleges the internal groups which was designated non-transparently. Vlad Voiculescu obtained the position of Minister of Health in the negotiations for the Cîțu government and is no longer interested in the position of Deputy Mayor.

“Does anyone know where Vlad Voiculescu is going? If anyone sees him, tell him that he has assumed the role of leader of the USRPLUS councilors general, that he has imposed himself in all negotiations with the PNL and that tomorrow we have the General Council meeting to elect GMS members in all municipal companies. You know, the ones that exhaust Bucharest’s budget. And tell him that we have no idea who he spoke to from NLP and if he spoke anything because he does not answer the phone and is not anywhere group for two days. If you know where it is, please leave a ticket at the door, “wrote a USR PLUS leader from Bucharest to the party’s internal communication groups this Sunday.

His call went unanswered. On Monday, at the General Council meeting, those of USR PLUS were informed that they must be supported to vote for the position of Deputy Mayor Horia Tomescu.

Dumitru Dobrev, a founding member of USR, explained on his Facebook page that those of USR were announced with a simple message that instead of Vlad Voiculescu, they should vote for someone else from PLUS.

“I understand that this morning RSU councilors received an unsolicited email from an Alliance leader announcing that one Horia Tomescu will be the deputy mayor of the Capital, as Vlad Voiculescu will likely be appointed Minister of Health.” I do not dispute that it is very easy to make the association “Vlad Voiculescu is a PLUS member”, so the post of substitute in PMB is in the PLUS plot and the PLUS leadership has the right to appoint a plushist. But it is equally true that Vlad Voiculescu, after the negotiation, was appointed to open the list of general councilors and a more visible position was negotiated for him given his great notoriety and because he was a potential candidate for mayor. who took a step back. That means that VV’s vice president position was “intuitu personae” in no way bypassed. Now I wonder, is it correct for USR to take the forefront of the fait accompli and be sent like a raccoon: look at a Tomescu, grab him and vote for him, come on, run, run the REA? Basca, as if we were merged, we are a single party, why raise the issue of USR vs PLUS? As if it were with the unit for the good of the Romanians or how? And this in the conditions in which here is what the Alliance Cooperation Protocol says: “(3) In the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, the Alliance will support and vote as deputy mayor Vlad Voiculescu of PLUS. If the Alliance can impose the two vice mayors, the second deputy mayor will be appointed by USR. “Yesterday, Dacian Cioloș and Dan Barna toured the press with statements about how appointments to political positions belonging to USR PLUS will be made transparent and meritocratic. : “As I said on all occasions, the idea of ​​reward cannot mean a discount. At the beginning of renewal and professionalism. The functions of public dignity cannot and should not be seen as gifts that no one can share. We must set an example to others parties and, at the same time, to our electorate that we have the strength of this change in mentality, that we live what we say. (…) For positions of political responsibility in central and local government, we will organize a selection process based on competencies professionals, representation and political vision “. What happened from yesterday to today? Oh, there was a post that had to go to PLUS. Long live competition, representation and political vision! Long live the Republic! Long live the United Principalities! ”Dumitru Dobrev wrote.

Internal USR PLUS groups vehemently question the way Vlad Voiculescu “inherited” the post of deputy mayor, without a transparent procedure for appointing a new candidate in his place:

“I understand that Vlad Voiculescu has decided to go to the government, good path, I am sure that he is the right man that the country needs. But from here to leaving his position as deputy mayor to someone else as if it were an inheritance from father to son It’s a long way “.

Most of those who challenge Vlad Voiculescu claim that the appointment of a new candidate for deputy mayor should have been made on the basis of competence and that Ana Ciceală would have been much better suited for this position.

Editor: Adriana Duțulescu
