Scandal in show business! Tzancă Hurricane wanted to steal a vlogger’s girlfriend


Denis Petcu said recently that he and Tzancă Urganu have been, over time, the protagonists of various disputes over women. And two years ago, it was a serious scandal because of a woman. And at that time, Denis Pectu was in a relationship, and Tzancă the Hurricane He would have sent several messages to his girlfriend.

“About two years ago, I was with a girl. He showed me the phone with messages from Tzancă. So I called him and told him that she was my wife and not to go with her. She spoke badly, what do I have to do, what he doesn’t care, he wants to sleep with her “, Denis Petcu recounted the scandal with Tzancă Uraganul.

Given the old conflicts between the two, Tzancă Hurricane did not calm down and continued to reach out to the vlogger’s girlfriend. The manelista, however, seems to have been denouncing Denis for a long time, and now the real reason has been discovered.

The vlogger couldn’t wait and talked about the conflict between them.

So I said to him: you don’t have to speak to me from above, because about 6 years ago you were praying for it to appear on television. 6-7 years ago, at that time his name was Tzancă de Ploiești, he asked me to take him with me to a TV show where I was always invited. I launched the invitation of the producers, but their invitation did not depend on me. Okay, so it wasn’t that well known. He always had the impression that it was because of me that he was not in that program at that time and somehow I was carrying my shovel “, told vlogger Denis Petcu, as reported by wowbiz.

Also, showbiz was recently surprised by the fact that Tzanca Hurricane decided to marry who, for years in a row, would have been her lover … But now she is even more surprised that, he would have already been “crookedly trampled”.

So, according to the source mentioned above, Tzanca Uraganul seems to have stomped crookedly with the most controversial fashion diva in our country, Bianca Pop. Or, at least, she says, providing compromising images with both of them. “I was with Tzanca, that’s right … I’m not with him anymore, but I knew he had someone … Hau-hau, mau, mau, Tzanca was crazy about me”, Bianca Pop told us, exclusively for wowbiz.
