Scandal in Parliament: serious accusations against Klaus Iohannis by the USR – News from the sources


USR deputy Cătălin Drulă declared on Wednesday in the plenary session dedicated to the debate on the law on alertness, that President Klaus Iohannis made electoral decisions in the COVID-19 epidemic without any medical argument, with the aim of not fall in the polls.

Alertness “is strictly a personal goal for Klaus Iohannis,” Drula said. “The state of emergency could continue if the health situation so requires, with fewer restrictions. It wanted to be replaced with a state of alert to deliver more than a victory for the electoral points. It is a rather well-invented notion, the Constitution does not foresee the state of alert. Now we all turn around, we are writhing to avoid an electoral point arbitrarily imposed by the government and the President. We are in a logic with our eyes in the polls, “he also declared.

He said the head of state makes decisions “depending on how well he does at the press conference.” “This does not seem like a governed country,” said Catalin Drula.

Drula’s statements:

  • “The whole process of writing this law and what happened yesterday and today in Parliament seems like a fiasco, like a stuttering sequence, as this Government has become accustomed in the last two months of this crisis. I directly warned about Mr. Ludovic Orban , in a very direct discussion in February, that the Constitution is very clear: rights and freedoms can be restricted only by law, not by GEO, not by other acts issued by the government, not by ministerial order “
  • “We received this law at the 13th hour, too soon before it came into force, in accordance with the Constitution, at the end of the state of emergency, and today something amazing was attempted in Parliament, an amendment that explicitly violates the Constitution.” The constitution stipulates that any law will take effect at least three days after the date of publication, possibly several days if the legislator so wishes. It was intended to go into effect instantly: the PNL amendment was tacitly accepted by the PSD on the committee. (…) the professional would have sent this invoice on time “, also stated the deputy of the USR.
  • “The end of the state of emergency on May 15 is strictly a personal decision of the president,” not to be “in a specific logic.”
  • “The constitution does not foresee a state of alert. (…) Now we are turning around, we are squirming to work around this point of government and president arbitrarily and electorally imposed (…) The important issues of the day, like hot potatoes and the real management of the crisis, especially the economic one, is in the background (…) This does not seem like a country governed at the moment “

Also read: Parliament decided: local elections will be held no later than 6 months after the alert expires.
