
Samsung GALAXY S30 camera

Samsung GALAXY S30 It will be launched by the Korean company Samsung with an innovation that is sure to change the world of phones as we know it today, and that can be very good. Specifically, the Samsung GALAXY S30 could be released with a huge camera that will first hit the phones of its rivals in South Korea, and only then the Samsung phones, which is exactly what happened to the GALAXY S20 series released this spring.

Samsung GALAXY S30 It should launch with the new 250-megapixel camera that Samsung will produce soon, and offer it to some Chinese manufacturers in the second half of 2020. Specifically, those from Xiaomi, perhaps Vivo and Oppo, will integrate the new 250-megapixel camera into their phones. , and if everything goes normally with your phones, then the Samsung GALAXY S30 will integrate it next year.

Samsung GALAXY S30: PREMIERE that changes the world of phones

Samsung GALAXY S30 It would follow exactly the same path as the GALAXY S20, which had a 108 megapixel camera originally implemented on Xiaomi phones. After the tests went well on these phone models, Samsung improved the image sensor and integrated it into the GALAXY S20 series, and they want to do the same for the newer larger sensor, and should be coming to the Samsung GALAXY S30 in 2021. .

Samsung GALAXY S30 With this 250 megapixel camera, Huawei should catch up with Huawei, and that is because the size of the image sensor used should only match what the Chinese offer. Of course, it is possible that the Samsung GALAXY S30 has an improved version of the camera that will be used by Xiaomi, but it all depends largely on how things are done with those phones.

Samsung GALAXY S30 It will be presented in the spring of next year by Samsung, but until then we will surely discover many of the news it will offer.
