Salary increases. Good news for some officials. Who benefits


According to a draft law, approved this Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies, the salaries of officials and contracted personnel of the apparatus of the Presidential Administration, the General Secretariat of Government and the services of Parliament are increased.

The project received 150 votes in favor, 71 against and 8 abstentions.

Thus, the Framework Law no. 153/2017 on the remuneration of personnel paid with public funds.

According to the adopted texts, “the officials of the Presidential Administration, the General Secretariat of the Government, as well as the parliamentary officials of the Parliament services benefit, due to the complexity of the work, from an increase of 15% of the base salary”, eliminating thus the prohibition. the accumulation of this increase with the increase granted for legislative activity.

Likewise, the personnel hired within the apparatus of the Presidential Administration, the General Secretariat of the Government and the services of the Parliament benefit, due to the complexity of the work, from a 15% increase in the base salary.

The motivation for the modifications is “the elimination of the discrimination to which the respective officials were subjected, taking into account the specificity and uniqueness of their functions and activity and taking into account the prohibitions and incompatibilities provided in the statutes, as well as the provisions in the Administrative Code, it is reflected in the salary differences ”.

“The parliamentary public function is an autonomous public function of a specific career. The public servants of the 3 institutions with unique powers, as well as the parliamentary public servants, enjoy stability and carry out their activity respecting the principles of legality, impartiality, objectivity, subordination hierarchical, as well as political neutrality ”, also shows the report of the Commission to work on the motivation of the amendment.

“Exceptionally, for the institutions of the health and social assistance system, those of the defense system, public order and national security, those of the justice system, as well as those subordinate to the Ministry of Justice, the amount of bonuses, compensations, additions , bonuses, awards and allowances, including food and vacations, cumulatively awarded on the total budget of each host computer cannot exceed 30% of the sum of base salaries, function balances / function salaries, balances of degrees / salaries of the professional grade he occupies, the gradations and the order balances / order of salaries and monthly allowances, as the case may be, “provides another adopted text, motivating that, in this way, some salary inequities faced by staff will be solved judicial.

The bill also provides for the exemption of the institutions of the defense, public order and national security system from the obligation to publish the list of positions within these institutions with the data on salary rights.

The Chamber of Deputies is a decision-making body, announces Agerpres.
