Sadoveanu underworld group leader, murdered in the United States. He was shot in the head by a Romanian rival for $ 200,000 and a Ferrari


Almost half a year after the head of the Duduianu clan was assassinated by a rival thief, a new crime is taking place in the world of underground crime. Aurel Trandafir (42 years old), named Aly Sadoveanu, was shot dead in the United States by a rival named Florin Americanu.

According to the information provided by the relatives, the crime had an economic motive. Those from the Sadoveanu group complain about their leadership on social media.

How did the underworld clans end up in Romania? “I don’t think I give a damn about the threats from the Minister of Justice”

The history of the clan of the underworld led by Sile Pietroi. The group’s name is linked to scandals that rocked the police, but also to accusations of attempted murder, extortion and robbery.

Among those who announced the death of Aurel Trandafir, leader of the Sadoveanu clan of Chitila, is Remus Minca, called Nat, another leader of the Sadoveanu clan, who posted photos of his youngest son on his social media page on New Year’s Eve. Dancing with a hookah in one hand and a bottle of drink in the other.

Minca posted a message on his Facebook account: “Great loss for us … Right now, when we needed you most … I can’t believe … that you left us all with sad hearts.”

The announcement was launched by various members of the clan and generated hundreds of messages of condolence.

In September 2020, the police carried out several searches for members of the Sadoveanu clan. They were spun after, in a video intervention on a social network, he threatened rival groups that are violating the territories in the Capital claimed by them.

After the searches, the law enforcement officers removed large sums of money and many knives. The bullies appeared to be preparing for war rather than Christianizing a child.

Who is Aly Sadoveanu, the thief shot by a rival in the US?

The body of Aurel Trandafir would be repatriated in the coming days, but the authorities did not comment on a possible mobilization of forces to prevent the participation of a large number of people in the vigil, given that during this period anti-pandemic measures are increased throughout the country. and the police impose fines on those who gather at parties or other events.

Judicial sources confirmed that Aurel Trandafir had been wanted internationally since 2018, being sentenced to six years and four months for robbery.

He managed to flee the country before the judges made the final decision and reached the United States. There he was killed by another Romanian thief, one Florin Andronache, named Florin Americanu.

Who is Florin Americanu who executed Aly Sadoveanu?

The thief who shot Aly Sadoveanu was supposedly from Buzau. Florin Andronache, alias Florin Americanu or Kevin Americanu on social media, of Calvini in Buzau, allegedly shot Aurel Trandafir in the head for $ 200,000 and a Ferrari, writes

According to the cited source, Florin Andronache would not have a criminal past in Buzau or Romania, having been abroad for many years.

He brags on social media filming himself with expensive cars and bundles of earned money.

Relations between the two thugs would have been irretrievably broken after Americanu de Buzau considered that Alisor Sadoveanu had thrown him by the rope for the amount of $ 200,000 and a Ferrari.

Aly Sadoveanu is said to be related to Emi Pian, executed on a street in Giulesti

It seems that Aurel Trandafir’s mother is the cousin of Emi Pian, the thief killed last year after a beard fight.

Aly Sadoveanu is the cousin of the undercover Nat Minca, the one considered the moral culprit of the murder of Emi Pian, last summer.

It appears that Minca and the Pian brothers became rivals after they loaned money to their son, who was only 18 at the time and a fan of the game.

How the underworld “beheaded” the Romanian police

Last year, in addition to the problems related to the coronavirus pandemic, Romania also had to deal with scandals in the underworld. Clashes between clans that dominate certain areas of the country or in Bucharest have upset public order and peace. One of the scandals led to the resignation of the Romanian police chief.

Investigations after the execution of Emi Pian, leader of the Duduianu clan. Various thugs, heard by prosecutors and police

On September 1, 2020, Quaestor Liviu Vasilescu, the Romanian police chief, announced at a press conference that he was resigning. Vasilescu’s departure from the institution’s leadership follows the scandal of negotiations with the underworld, in which he was involved. He was one of the police chiefs who argued at night with members of the Duduianu clan about the funeral of the leader Florin Mototolea.

There are dozens of underworld clans in Romania, and the capital has at least two such groups in each sector. Almost every year, the leaders of these criminal families are put behind bars, but soon after, the younger generation, more aggressive than their parents, arrives and takes their place.

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