Sabina, the young woman killed and burned in a suitcase, in Ghimpați, was a key witness in a fraud case | News, News Romania | Freedom


The Norwegian citizen was cheated out of a huge amount of money by some residents of Pantelimon de Sabina. The 32-year-old woman met the Scandinavian, who had helped her several times, after he found her begging on the street with her son, Antena 3 also writes.

The Norwegian said he met Sabina in 2016 and helped her move and find a decent job.

When I met her, she was a beggar. I helped her find a place to stay and found her a job in a restaurant. Then he quit and started working at a club, which I didn’t like. She was a stateless child and a traumatized child.

Dag Langerud, Antenna 3:

She explained that at the club she later joined, Sabina did not work as a prostitute and that she was a decent woman. And he, Dag Langerud, was the victim of some Romanian criminals who, between 2016 and 2019, managed to leave him without 100,000 euros.

The Norwegian was misled by fake police, lawyers and prosecutors

It all started with an alleged business proposal for the Norwegian citizen, from some young people from Pantelimon, members of a group of criminals.

The Norwegian is a professional nurse, but also a musician, that’s why he goes on tour around the world with the orchestra in which he plays. Thus, the man fell into the trap of the swindlers of Pantelimon, Jilava and Giurgiu and gave them a sum of money to start a supposed business.

But he was duped and tried to get his money back. The scammers made fake accounts on social media and posed as police, lawyers or prosecutors. Thus, under the pretext of recovering the lost money, they demanded other money. This is how the Norwegian citizen ended up losing a total of 100,000 euros.

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Sabina, the young woman killed and burned in a suitcase in Ghimpați, was a key witness in a fraud case
Dag Langerud. Photo: Antena 3

Sabina did an investigation on her own to find out who the criminals were.

The man said that, to help him find out who the extortioners were, Sabina conducted an investigation and it was not difficult to find the culprits, especially since some of them lived next to her, in Pantelimon. The 32-year-old woman sent the man photos of the homes of those she knew were involved in the scam and even searched the trash to discover their true identities.

This is how he learned that those who scammed the Norwegian laundered money and invested in Great Britain. The man complained to them in both Romania and the UK, and files were opened in both countries. And Sabina was a witness in these investigations.

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Killed, naked and burned in a suitcase in the field

Mihaela-Sabina Mircea, 32, was killed, stuffed in a suitcase and set on fire in a field between the towns of Valea Plopului and Ghimpați, in Giurgiu County, on October 30.

Seven days later, based on the handprints, investigators received the identity of Sabina from Spain, who was fingerprinted in a robbery case.

So far, investigators have not caught the killer, but one of the clues is related to the fraud case in which Sabina was a key witness.

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