Russia’s Devilish Plan! Breaking Romania in two. The role of Newsweek and Hodor


Although there is no evidence against Patriarch Daniel in the materials published by NewsWeek magazine, Cristian Tudor Popescu fiercely attacked the BOR leader. Various people of the culture reacted harshly against these attacks. But the explanation, of course, came right now.

The wave of criticism of Patriarch Daniel, as well as the “explosion” of material against the leader of the BOR -all concentrated in just a few days- has a single objective, and the model of the attack seems to be patented by the KGB and the followers of the Russian service.

How the attack on Patriarch Daniel began

The scandal erupted with an attack on Patriarch Daniel, described by the press as fake news, or a botched attack, as Mihai Gâdea called it.

After Patriarch Daniel’s unexpected statement a few days ago, a publication – “Newsweek” from Romania, run by a journalist proven to be a forger of his own university studies, Sabin Orcan, attacked the Christian leader in a vile manner. With the help of a CNSAS official, Mădălin Hodor. Which threatens the Patriarch with the possibility of publishing the Security file.

What did the Patriarch say that infuriated them so much?

“In the fall of 1989, on the occasion of the feast of Saint Demetrius the New, on October 27, the communist authorities prohibited the worship of the holy relics. (…) This humiliation of the pious Saint Demetrius the New was rewarded in the sense that in a few months the communist regime fell. (…) God is not fooled! He is patient for a long time, but he is also fair. “said Patriarch Daniel in his address Tuesday at the feast of Saint Pious Dimitrie the New, Protector of Bucharest, at the Summer Altar near the Patriarchal Cathedral.

“It was strong, a message like it wasn’t and how it should be at that time. And millions of people in their souls were glad that someone, and not all, spoke on their behalf. But what happened today. His execution began today“Mihai Gâdea said two days ago. But the reactions seem to be increasingly harsh towards those involved in the strategy of denigration of Patriarch Daniel.

Newsweek and Madalin Hodor, instruments of Russia?

Professor Dragoș Paul Aligică, doctor of political science and sociology, as well as one of the most important local conservative authors, explains on Facebook that the attacks on the Romanian Orthodox Church are instrumented by Kremlin strategies and are at stake by causing a double division : on the one hand between the BOR and the Romanian State, on the other hand within the BOR, between a pro-Western and a pro-Russian faction.

The attitude of the targets of Professor Dragoș Paul Aligică’s position, harmful not only to Christianity but also to the country, was harshly criticized by Mirel Curea and Dan Andronic, journalists from EvZ.

According to the professor, the final objective of these attacks is as hybrid and subversive as possible: the interference of Russia, through this second faction, in the internal politics of Romania, in the context of the pandal of the “Third Rome”, the old pan-Slavic marota, while true orthodoxy does not bless weapons of mass destruction.

What does the plan that is developed in Romania imply?

Dragoș Paul Aligică warns that attacks on BOR are also issued by dubious characters (for example, Cristian Tudor Popescu) whose career in the 1990s included applauding the miners, apologizing for the crimes and widespread violence provoked by Ion Iliescu and FSN, but also boycott Romania’s alignment on the Euro-Atlantic axis.

“Make no mistake about the meaning, importance and game of the attack on the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch in particular and Religion in general, an attack in full swing in Romania.

The result is the creation of a double divide: between the BOR and the Romanian state and within the BOR, between a pro-Western and a pro-Russian faction. Followed by the political instrumentation of this latest split in order to seize control of the state or at least to incapacitate it and influence on the upper deck of the flagship anchored in the Third Rome.

As a witness to this enveloping movement of historical and geopolitical magnitude and as one of the modest builders and doctrinaires in the secular environment of the intellectual, ideological and political cordon of health that neutralized the forces that wanted Romania in a gray zone or of Russian influence. . and I used orthodoxy as a vector, professionally and elegantly acknowledging that I admire and respect the determination, scope and broad historical breath of Russian colleagues who are now increasingly testing the tensile strength of the sanitary cord that has made stability possible. and consensus. Western during the transition period and implicitly the course and options of Romania’s Euro-Atlantic options.

Its historical scope, patience and clairvoyance are worthy of the reputations of these colleagues for whom we have a real, not imitated respect: Russia was and continues to be an imperial power, offering a civilizational alternative to the West and whose doctrinaires and strategists think for decades and centuries , not months and years.

On the other hand, if the instruments in Romania of this movement of geopolitical and historical magnitude are or are not aware of what they do, if the calves (sons and grandsons of cattle, if I may be allowed this paraphrase or excessive corollary of the most recent character) in the spotlight) realizes the implications of their anti-religious, anti-clerical and anti-BOR practice and rhetoric, in which they engage when playing political parties, civics and vanguard of the spearhead of the offensive of progress, etc. . and so In Romania, it is not always clear.

What is clear, however, is the following fact: no matter how much we try to forget, those of us who have witnessed with open eyes and awakened minds all these years of transition and Romanian history cannot help but notice a Some continuity between the voices that began the transition into the position of the apologists for Feenist violence in the name of an original Gorbachevism and an original democracy, continued grouped in Adevărul in the most influential and insidious anti-reform rostrum of the 90s under the baton of a director with a controversial legend and a tragic ending according to legend and continued at the latest to oppose any move or decision taken by the Romanian diplomacy or the Romanian secret services in the alignment direction on the Euro-Atlantic axis …
Rightly or wrongly, like it or not, these associations are made in our minds and we cannot refrain from publicly pointing out this fact, in the current context … “

The new political alternative: # Without God

Cozmin Gușă also adopted an attitude, the publication of which is eloquent towards the interests that exist behind the scenes of power.

Everyone’s easy conclusion about the CTP’s deliberate slip of the tongue against Patriarch Daniel was that the man was obviously “hit on the head” and needed a straitjacket as an explanatory signal for his ultramediated statements. Of course, this is also true, but it is obvious that such an anti-BOR message was imposed on the lost CTP, but indirectly supporting the political alternative # FărăDumnezeu. This alternative is today in Romania the USR-PLUS, the only electoral vehicle with possibilities of more than 10% that remains for PARALLEL STATE RESERVES, obviously enlisted for good money (!) In the “INTERNATIONAL ARMY” ANTI-CHRISTIANISM!
According to a well-developed plan, yesterday across the country, USR-PLUS advisers who were sworn in did so ostentatiously, EXPRESSLY REFUSING TO SWEAR BY THE BIBLE. Thus, the plusers indicated that they understood the anti-Christian call spread through the voices of CTP, an explicit call and other editorials that appeared in the last 2 days. I have studied almost all of them and I can assure you that they belong to journalists from #EchipajulSOROS of the Romanian press, journalists registered by the PARALLEL STATE in the last 15 years and coordinated directly by the COLDEA-KOVESI concessionaires, people who clearly serve ANTIRUMAN interests in public life.
Is this a campaign strategy? Of course it does, just a desperate result of the 2 shortcomings that USR-PLUS has right now:
The first is the blunting of their electoral message doubled by the lack of internal organization, revealed by the low score of the locals, a war at the end of which they appeared in public and as “the bear deceived by the fox”, by the evident loss of Nicusor Dan in favor of the Johannis-LuCOVID couple.
The second would be the drastic decrease in the number of people in the diaspora who will vote for USR-PLUS, the blocking measures in Europe certainly generated negligible participation for the diaspora.
This electoral offensive against Christianity will end in a vote, and that moment will be real, through which we will perceive, in a useful and necessary way, how large is the army of Romanians who want international protection, and to be represented by politicians. #Without God. And for the “media divas” of the CTP type, it will be an opportunity to measure his real influence, an influence that those like him believe so great that they adore their own icon every day, people of whom I am convinced. who start and end their day by ritually kissing in the mirror… 🤦🏻‍♂️😉 ”
