Rune horoscope from December 14 to 20, 2020, with Mihai Voropchievici. Good things are coming for Scorpios, good news for cancers


Be better, more forgiving, show that kindness of soul because it will overwhelm you and those around you. look at the tunnel because if it is not dark you will never see the light at the end of the tunnel, if the tunnel is illuminated … goodbye. And if it is not… you make light in your life, is the exhortation of the master Mihai Voropchievici.


Get the attention of people who think intensely about them and will send you gifts. Babies receive gifts this week. They are not picky about gifts


There is a qualitative leap in the next week and I was right. A substantial amount of money or a loved one that stays with them for a week.


They are backwards. relax because you had a lot of problems during this period. they worried in vain for the health of their loved ones


Outstanding news is coming. They asked for something and they will get a positive or negative response, but it is marked regardless of the response.


He has a week where he wants to fight. After the battle there will still be winners!


Enter a zone of divine protection. You will be safe next week, you have prayed, you are faithful and you are protected from other evil forces around you or from the universe.


He wants to move. You are about to move from your home or work. Or you can find an extra job


Be prepared for a series of changes to come. There are some good things that take you out of the anonymity you’ve been in for much of the year.


Have a little patience. Do not force luck because pleasant surprises are for those who know how to wait.


A busy week, you should have strength, strength and endurance because it is a tougher week. You will probably take small problems from your loved ones and try to solve them yourself, but let everyone solve their problems.


The symbol of love. Something hot for Aquarius, a new love


They realized at the end of the year that they had to change the tactics that had so far confused everyone. You were too good, show you can still be bad
