Rune horoscope for October 2020, with Mihai Voropchievici. Aries receives divine protection, Taurus receives warnings


For some zodiac signs a very good zodiac sign is displayed, for other zodiac signs there are not exactly good changes.

RAM – enter a month of total protection, divine protection throughout the month.

Bull – You have a month of a lot of communication, a lot of style, declarations of love, it is an effervescent month, but I also receive warnings.

Gemini – have one month to consolidate their position.

Rac – receive gifts, attention. Receive little things that fill you with joy.

Leu – a month of fertility and abundance, all your dreams come true in October, have a super beneficial month.

Virgin – this month has a chance to find a new, ardent, somewhat passionate love, it is a month in which everything that means love is at its peak.

Libra – a series of major changes in October and in the very near future.

Scorpion – Leave the problems behind, prepare for a much better month, but with the condition that you put aside all the worries, fears and failures of the previous or past months.

drilling – very important changes, you have to stay at home. It is a month of waiting for the change.

Capricorn – You have a month of hard work, but also with warnings about health and energy consumption. They must show strength, strength, become more stoic, more patient. He also knows how to have fun, takes work and fun seriously.

Aquarium – They have a month in which they are in a very thin ice pack, they have to be careful with how they act, make decisions and how they spend their money, because they tend to put their hands in their wallets.

Fish – is in line with the country’s rune, the hurricane. They have a month of turmoil, fights, but they are also the winners, but they have a style of shaking the waters.
