RUNE HOROSCOPE December 14-20, 2020. Voropchievici worried about a sign: it will be a difficult week!


Mihai Voropchievici presented the rune horoscope for the period December 14-20, 2020.

The numerologist Mihai Voropchievici presented, on Saturday, in the program “Hidden Truths”, of Antena 3, the rune forecasts for the period from December 14 to 20, 2020 as follows:

RUNE ARIES HOROSCOPE – You are in the attention of people who think insistently of you. You will receive a wonderful gift next week.

HOROSCOPE OF THE RUNE OF TAURUS – There is a rapid qualitative leap at the end of the year. You will attack! This jump can come from all points of view. It could even be a more substantial amount of money or a loved one walking on your door.

GEMENI RUNE HOROSCOPE – You’re face down. Relax a little more! You’ve been a little stressed lately. You are empathetic and you suffer for those around you. You worried in vain for the health of your loved ones. Relax!

RUN RAC HOROSCOPE – It will be a week that will mark you. It will mark you positively, you will receive an affirmative answer, a “yes” or they will mark you negatively with a rejection. A “no”.

RUNE LEU HOROSCOPE “It’s a week where you want to fight.” Leave these battles up to you. Be more relaxed.

VIRGIN RUNE HOROSCOPE – It is a week of divine protection. It is a week of celebration. You are protected from many evil forces that surround you.

RUNE BALANCE HOROSCOPE – You feel like moving. You are about to move from home or work. It can also be a short period in which you will move. You may find a job or at the end of the year you may want something more from the job. You will make the right decision at the end of the year.

SCORPION RUNA HOROSCOPE – Get ready for a series of changes. There are good things that should get you out of anonymity.

SAGITTARIUS RUNE HOROSCOPE “You are advised to be patient.” You are curious by nature. Don’t force the hand of Christmas luck. Pleasant surprises are made for those who know how to accept.

CAPRICORN RUNE HOROSCOPE – You have a busy week. You have to have strength, power, strength. Be resilient! It will be a harder week. You can try to solve the problems of those close to you. The runes do not advise that.

HOROSCOPE RUNE OF AQUARIUS “The symbol of love is on your poster next week.”

RUNE FISH HOROSCOPE – He realized at the end of the year that you have to change a bit of tactics. Approach the topics that interest you differently and change tack. If you were too good, show that you can show your fangs and vice versa.
